Weber Stuff: Clod, Ribs, & Zukes....


Babbling Farker
Jun 21, 2012
From awhile back, typical noodling around in the backyard...............

1st off, I've got an issue with cheddar cheese:



This is what's left of the cheddar that was supposed to be in last weeks chicken from hell~~~~>
The taste still makes it thru to a certain extent, but I somehow feel cheated upon viewing this !!!

So, now that I've got that off my chest, to the business at hand.

I realized that I've not done any ribs for a long while.
Part of the deal is the price for puny St.Lou's (or even whole racks) has been not all that good here for a long time.
Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place, or paying attention.......
So this week, finally, a local grocer has fulls on sale @1.77/lb & they're nice & plump !!
Got 6 racks & probably more tomorrow.
For today did one wet & one dry.
The dry went w/ garlic powder,a bottle mix that contains:
cardamom,clove, allspice,fenugreek,coriander, ginger, cinnamon,& ajawon

Smoke was Wicked w/plum chunks ~~~>

Didn't foil, they're just layin on it to keep the underside from getting too done...

The wet I do in foil to start off then glaze & crisp for the last 1/3 of the cook...

These ones I was going to make up a sauce, but when we're at the store, I found this World Harbors bottle sauce called "Sticky Rum"
Sounds fun sez the wife, OK !!
Mixed it w/ honey/orange glaze & a few other ditties...

It also happens to be the munchkin's (Molly Malone) 1st birthday so the pups always get ribs for b-days anyway..

I found a good place to get clod finally (the carcineria, Mexican butchers)~~~~>This one got the once or twice over with the SST's (Specialized Service Tools )

Punctured at all different depths & garlic inserted,injected w/ this bunch:

Punctured all over to drive in the rub with THAT FORK (it's an antique,Thunderbird Motor Lodge steak fork, SHARP as all get out,use with caution!!!)
Rubbed w/ this bunch:

This is a pretty good look at the 3 different muscles:

This is 1/2 of the whole roast, abt. 11 or so lbs.

About 2-1/2 hours in, I'm aiming to shred this for sammies & bean pot additives...


again, Wicked w/ plum chunks...

What to go w/ the proteins, you ask??
I'm pretty torqued 'cause I didn't get a garden in this year & lo & behold
as I'm unloading bags of sod prep out of the truck, my neighbor sez: "Hey you want some big zucchini? I went camping, & a couple of them got away from me" (grew large)
Yeah, sure, why not !!

So filled w/penne (actually not, it's orzo, the wife corrected me & she's always right !!) pasta,
onion bits, & honey roasted sunflower nuts...


A mere pup at only 16"

Also did some tater packets & foiled corn...


Here's the platter ~~~>

And the bite thru....

Triple bite thru, actually....

Photo's pretty fuzzy, I was in a meat frenzy at the time.......

Have fun playin' w/your food....

PS: The clod's still on...
pulled off @ 5 hours & shreaded about 1/3 then put back on to get more better bark....will add the finish later, if I get there...

PPS: I've decided I'm the president of the "Make-A-Mess Foundation" ..........

But, where's the BEEF?

Let's see, now where did I put that beef.........???

Ahhhh.....Here it is~~~>



IT's hyper-moist still this AM, EXACTLY what I was aiming for, might have to throw some in scrambled eggs or something....
BEEF, it's what's for breakfast !!!

Have fun playin' w/your food..................