Vacuum Tumbler


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2008
Anyone here use a vacuum tumbler for quicker marinating / brining of meat? I find myself with less and less time for long marinades and wondering if anyone here uses a household version. This one though pricy has good reviews.

Found a few threads in the search function but they are from 10-12 years ago.

I bought the same tumbler back in April, but have only used it once.

It worked fine and had a good seal. I ran it for 30 minutes instead of the recommended 15 on a mixture of boneless thighs and cubed boneless breasts.

They tasted to me about the same as if I had marinated then in a plain ziplock overnight in the fridge. So I guess it worked.

There is debate on the internet as to whether or not vacuum marinating makes a difference at all.

I thought I'd buy it just to give it a try. I need to do some more experimenting.