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Bash lurker
Staff member

Batch Image
Aug 11, 2003
Newark, CA
On the menu for tonight.... the smallest pork baby backs I have seen!

Still very tasty though, I did the process a little different than I normaly do (usually in smoke for 4 hours).

Smoked for 3 hours, sprayed heavily in cherry juice then wrapped in foil for 30 minutes, took them out of the Q and let rest wrapped for 30 minutes. I wanted to wrap them after 2 hours but I was busy... reading this forum. :)
u got the bug... big time... cookin for no one.. been there... bought the tee shirt... and spilled bbq sauce on it.

So... how were they???
So... how were they???
They were very good... not the best yet, but good. I could not finish them all tonight so I will finish them off for lunch tomorrow.
Daughter polished off 3/4 of a slab last night from the weekend cook.

She went to the fridge, opened up my jar of Dreamland, and started to pour away.

"Hello!, you wouldn't be taking my $10 a bottle worth it's wait in gold bbq sauce now would you?" I said.

The wife, who commited a previous transgression by using my last half bottle on baked ribs chimes in "Whats wrong with that?"

"Would it hurt to ask a man if he minded before you came up and sucked the blood out of his veins?" I asked. "And since she couldn't tell the difference between bbq sauce and ketchup, why would you let her go nuts and pour so much"

"I don't see any harm in her taking that" Said the wife.

My response. ", and use your charge card next time"

Lesson: Don't fark with Brethren sauce.
Bill sounds like you need to put a pad lock on that fridg
or get you one of theoes mini-fridges just for Q stuff
If you have been married for any length of time the blood has been gone from the veins for ahwile, trust me. :lol:
I feel your pain!

Last night my spouse saw one of my emails talking about the price of a Bandera at the local Wally World -- instead of asking about it she says, "You NOT buying another grill (cringe!!) are you?" I said, "Not yet, at least not at full price." :D

Somehow I don't think she believed me.
i know what you mean david

i've been eyeing a gas grill at wal-mart (great outdoors grill)
waiting for it to be marked down
everytime we go i stroll by and make sure it's still there
the wife says " are you really buting another grill ?? "
" yep just as soon as the price drops "
she just shakes her head

My wife ESCORTS my through the garden section of Wally World and tries to get me to turn Right when we go into the local Lowe's or HD :D
It's OK, though. I think I've figured a way around the dilema of "buying" a new smoker. If I start a backyard patio extension I can probably sneak the block and bricks for a fixed smoker/oven :D

If I build a bench I can say the smoker/oven is a planter, yeah that's it! Of course the hickory scent and grease stains will probably give me away :(

Even my neighbors have started commenting on the smell of 'Q wafting through the cul-de-sac each weekend.
