Texas Paralyzed Veterans of America Cookoff

bob n humble

Knows what a fatty is.
Aug 12, 2006
We just got this cookoff back from the ashes. It was held for several years at Bobby's On the Bayou. This year it will be held at the VFW Post # 10352 @16035 Waverly Rd. Houston Tx. 77032 April 20/21 2007. The TPVA needs all of our help. We have more soliders coming home everyday that will fall in this same need. So "PLEASE" come out and support our Paralyzed & non Paralyzed Vets. They need all the support we can give them. Also if you have any worth while items you would like to donate to the Auction just let me know. They are a Non Profit organization. My name is Bob Blankenship I am the main contact for this cookoff. Hear are the ways you can contact us. The flier & rules can be downloaded from www.tgcbca.org by going to the events page. Also www.texaspva.org. This is the web site for TPVA or my email is hotnasbbq@aol.com. We look forward to seeing you there,and thanks in advance for your help.
Bob Blankenship 281-446-7619/ 713-818-0764
VFW Post 10352 contact Woody Lynch 713-725-6122
TPVA Sherry Kirkpatrick 713-520-8782