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Full Fledged Farker
Feb 11, 2018
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I remember being a young lad and trying a pork sandwich in Germany on post at the px. It was absolutely delicious. I grew up in the states but always enjoyed my grandmothers German cooking. I’ve tried figuring out what it was over the years but never could. Last night I made some hot fast ribs and at the last minute decided to sauce em. I never sauce the ribs but figured I’d try something new. Grabbed the sweet baby rays and thought man I’m really thinking Spicy mustard would be good. Mixed 1 part Bbq 3 parts spicy mustard. Boom. It brought me back to that damn sandwich. I think I’ll be using more mustard in the future. Sometimes stepping out of the norm can be wonderful. Taste testers loved em.
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That sounds good! I like spicy mustard. Used it as a slather, but never as a sauce. My have to add a little honey to it and sauce a rack next time!
So I got some pork and was all set to make this glorious sandwich. Total failure. Lol. “90% Of your drinking food taste better than this” I was told. We also got some crab...I had nice Butter and onion sautéed crab sandwich. I offered it up but they trooped it out. :)
We make pierogis, sausage onions and peppers a fair bit for dinner. I use it a base for spicy mustard. Can’t put to much on it.

I am a mustard fan, so anything with it on sounds good to me.
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