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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Sep 18, 2012
Slidell, LA
Hello All,

I just got back from Sams with a 6 lb sirloin tip roast. I am planning to spin it up on my Weber OTG rotisserie this afternoon but I need ideas for rub/coating and some advice on how long it will take to cook to medium rare. Should I add some hickory to the charcoal or go plain? If you experts could weigh in on this - I would appreciate it...


Time pretty much depends on temp. The rub...honestly simple is the best imo. Salt, pepper, onion and garlic in what ever proportions you like. Many times i'll use my favorite steak rub because they have the larger granules .
Sounds like you already have a pretty good game plan. SPOG works on anything. Just remember that a large hunk of meat like that will carry over a bit in temp once it's removed from the cooker, so you want to take it off a bit early and let rest for ~20 minutes or so.

If you have a meat slicer, the leftovers will make for some of the best sammich meat ever.