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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
Christmas, red and green Chile. Pretty good competition between Hatch NM and Pueblo Co Chile. Competition is great for me. I like both, really like. License plates, festivals life is good if you love chile. I used both today to make a pot of chili-with beans. Simmered the chile with garlic-Then Ninja’d then thru a strainer into a pot containing browned brisket burger and a chopped small yellow onion. Added one packet of William no salt added chili mix, a dash of Chef Merito Asada and about a tablespoon of Gebhardts. Last I added a can of rinsed low salt Bush’s Pinto. Topped with guacamole and Tillamook and a generous sprinkle of Naturiffic Hot Salt
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Lots of great flavors going on in that pot! Looks amazing, Adams!
I've not noticed brisket burger here, will look harder.
Hatch? Pueblo? Please. They both have great green chile. Most of the rest of it is marketing. But you can always tell when these article succumb to the marketing talk when they talk about Hatch chile peppers..."it's longer, milder..." Really? Which one? There is not Hatch Chile pepper, just various varieties grown in the region. Are you talking about Sandia peppers? NuMex BigJims? Españolas?

I grew up in NM, have lived in Southern Colorado (Colorado Springs), and can tell you that the differences are in which pepper they planted. Both places grow great chile.

Which to buy? Well, what is your goal? If you are making rellenos, Big Jim's are great due to the size of the pepper. What a really spicy sauce? Well, you get the picture....

FWIW, Chimayo's make the best red sauce - period. :p