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Babbling Farker
Aug 7, 2006
huntington, ny

From this point out, every issue of Smoke Signals will feature a one page bio of a comp team that is comprised of BBQ Brethren members.

If you would like to be featured, please contact me at smokesignals AT bbq-brethren DOT net or pm me.

Although we very much hope that everyone enjoys Smoke Signals, this magazine is for and by members of the Brethren who volunteer their time and effort to support the community. As such, we want to put a spotlight on members in each issue.

We want you to succeed, so if some free PR will help, shoot me a note. We are looking at small articles that will have a photo of your team, a photo of some food, why you compete, where you compete and then we can try to work in things such as your sponsors (if that will help out) or a recipe.

We have one team set for this issue and at least one for next issue. If this proves to be successful, we will do two teams per issue.

Don't send it until we talk first, but here is the basic information that we will need:

Team website/FB page
Full names of team members
Team Name
Photo of team
Photo of food produced by team
Competitions you are entering this year
Background info on team
Sponsor info
If you'd like, a recipe using a sponsors product (by you, not something form their pr department)

We have two teams set for issue 9 (which I hope to have out by early June).

We are now looking for 2 teams for issue 10.

If you would like your team highlighted, please pm me or email me at smokesignals AT bbq-brethren DOT net

