
  1. IamMadMan

    How to make Great Turkeys using Char-Broil's "The Big Easy" Oil-less Fryer V2.0

    How to make Great Turkeys using Char-Broil's "The Big Easy" Oil-less Fryer V2.0 Toast has updated his previous thread using a culmination of ideas and changes contained within the original thread. He put them into one single post here to make his tutorial easier to follow rather than having to...
  2. N

    Char Broil Infrared Question - Long

    Hello, Search "short version" to get to the meat. I have read the forum for a while, so I figured this would be the place to ask my question. I actually started with the ugly drum smoker. I have a 3 burner Infrared Grill. It is the one with inserts that look like shallow pans with raised...