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somebody shut me the fark up.
May 10, 2006
Overland Fark, KS
These are Chicken Skin wrapped Jalapenos filled with Blue/Cream Cheese filling and a piece of Chicken Thigh meat, and sauced up with Hot Wing Sauce.

It's not right to call these ABT's, because the Buffalo in ABT has absolutely NOTHING to do with Buffalo Wings. I do not think these should be called Buffalo Atomic Buffalo Turds either because, well, that just sounds dumb.

So what sayeth the Brethren? I was thinking "Buffalo Peppers". Another Brethren suggested "Chickstickers". Any other suggestions?

I started with 6 large ripe Jalapeno's.

I sliced them down from the stem towards the tip of the pepper to slice off a "cap" This gave me access to the insides while giving me a deep cavity once hollowed out.

I then removed the skin from 6 Chicken Thighs. I deboned one small chicken thigh and divided it into 6 pieces, saving the skins and the 6 small pieces, and putting the rest of the chicken away to be used later for something else.

I filled the peppers with a cheese filling made from Cream Cheese and Blue Cheese Crumbles seasoned with a touch of Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Salt and Pepper. Instead of replacing the sliced pepper "cap", I capped it with a piece of the Chicken Thigh meat. Then I wrapped the pepper with the chicken skin.

I put these in a dish to marinate in some Wing Sauce which in this case was equal parts Butter and Franks Hot Sauce.

I fired up my kettle offset with some K-Briqs and Cherry Chunks. I set the peppers up offset from the coals for 15 minutes, then spooned some more of the sauce over them. After Another 15 minutes the skin looked crispy so I spooned more sauce on them, removed them from the grill, and plated with the finest Chinet plate I could find (smoothest edges).
Holy Ch*t Those look awesome. I dont care what you call them Just call me for dinner. Wow great looking uhmmm whatevers....
Buffalo chicken turds/poppers

Atomic chicken turds/poppers

ACT Atomic Chicken Turds? Nope, nope...
ACD Atomic Chicken Droppings? No, no, no...
HAC Hot Azz Chicken? hmmm maybe....
SCC Smoke'n Choke'n Chicken? Nope...

Aww heck, I give up. Someone will come up with a clever name...

Like Hot Chicks....:rolleyes:

Edit: wow, there were several posts made while I was typing my lame response... lol
Those look insane! Not sure of a name but like some of the suggestions so far.

Did you cook the piece of chicken before you put it inside or does it cook long enough to get done?
:icon_devil:twisted::twisted::twisted: CACA DIABLO :twisted::twisted::twisted::icon_devil

Pollo Diablo is taken...I googled:frown:
How about.................................;}-

How about "Munchies"- Oh, sorry Dude,I mean "ChillyChicks"
Did you cook the piece of chicken before you put it inside or does it cook long enough to get done?
The piece of chicken I used was raw, a small 1/6 piece of a thigh. It was on the top of the pepper just under the skin, and was definitely done by the time the skin was crisp. You could easily put in pulled chicken instead, this is just how I did it this first time.