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smoke ninja

somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Batch Image
Jan 3, 2014
Detroit michigan
Good evening folks and weclome to a live broadcast of a smoke ninja brisket, aka a brisket party. I cook brisket today for tomorrow so a brisket party here is a running joke of sorts as no actual brisket is served. Its a time to load up the smoker crank up the tunes and usually hang out with some friends. Unfortunately we had several cancels so tonight its me, bruno, :becky: and the brethren.

Food was on by 7

Bruno helped get the pit to temp while i enjoyed a split shot


Tonight's cook snack


Mmm enhanced

Brisket pre trim


Post trim.


The ribs were seasoned with simply marvelous spicy apple and the brisket was black ops with coarse salt and pepper top coat.

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I was working in the garden all day and these ribs aint getting done fast enough. Time for some apps.

Homemade salumi


Washed down with a FounderS


So we have 2 stopping by. Beckys friends not mine. Ill have to get the fire pit going. Neighbor 2 doors down is having a party. He's an aussie and seems alright. Wonder how many rib bones will grant me access?
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From what I hear, most Aussies are alright:wink: I am digging those darker beers, my preference. I would love to snag some babybacks for $1.99 per lb. Great price. It looks like you are in for a good night and tomorrow.
Looks like you're on a roll.

I seriously want some of that salumi.

Keep rockin', brother. Those Founders products are delicious. Stay hydrated!
whats on the back wall of the fire box....?

The previous owner did some modding. The firebox was lined with fireproof wool (?) And additional steel. It was his idea for semi insulation i guess. Most of it has fallen apart but i will not be bothered with removing it. Those who know me understand my laizefair attitude. I do like lining the lower half of box with steel in a cos to act as a buffer in the fb.

Oh we have random company.

If you Q it they will come