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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Batch Image
Jul 25, 2012
Los Angeles
Name or Nickame
Some awesome pork cooks lately on the brethren got me in the mood like the title says

Got a pack of pork butt steaks for grilling so decided on marinating to taste test with different rubs that were home made, won, bought and gifted


Nicely marbled as pork shoulder usually is


Seasoned and vac-packed for quick marination


Got the fire going


Seasoned red taters to go on the gasser


Steaks were ready for the grill after the marination process


Set up the JJ for a reverse sear


Home made rubbed and marinated steaks went on first


Beer time while the first batch cooks


Time for searing


Taters done


Oh boy!


Close up


Moist and tender. WOW!!



That was good dinner on Good Friday


Three of us and way too much food so we were too full to even taste the other steaks which was the initial plan


I've got a great idea for a leftover breakfast tomorrow AM :thumb:


Thanks for looking!
Awesome cook as usual :clap2:

I've had mixed results with pork steaks, some were super moist and flavorful, others were good but fat didn't render enough so they were a little chewy :icon_blush:

Looks like I'll have to try them again :thumb:
Awesome cook as usual :clap2:

I've had mixed results with pork steaks, some were super moist and flavorful, others were good but fat didn't render enough so they were a little chewy :icon_blush:

Looks like I'll have to try them again :thumb:

Thanks bud!!

If it helps, I took these shoulder steaks to about 170* since shoulder is fatty plus very forgiving and reverse sear def helps rendering out the fat. Loin chops, loin, tenderloin etc I don't go more than 150* because they're very lean and dry out.
Thanks bud!!

If it helps, I took these shoulder steaks to about 170* since shoulder is fatty plus very forgiving and reverse sear def helps rendering out the fat. Loin chops, loin, tenderloin etc I don't go more than 150* because they're very lean and dry out.

Good looking out. I believe I probably undercooked them before and will take them up higher next time. Maybe this weekend :becky:
Great lookin' feast there Sako!

Seeing Southern Flavor rub was a blast from the past. I received some with a "Welcome to the Brethren" sticker on it (IIRC it was from Bill-Chicago) when I joined this site.
All I can say is WOW! It all looks fantastic, and knowing that those other steaks were waiting for me for breakfast, I would get up early!!! Nice job on the pics. Yesterday was my last "Fish Friday" for Lent, so I'll be back to my old carnivorous ways next week.
Sako, you have me thinking about your breakfast idea right now. Great cook.

Thanks Marty! All I can say it's going to be "wrapped":-D

Love pork steaks and yours look perfect! I've had great results using Butt Rub.

Thanks Gary! I absolutely love Bad Byron's butt rub. It's up there next to salt and pepper in my pantry, a must have since I use it for everything.

Great lookin' feast there Sako!

Seeing Southern Flavor rub was a blast from the past. I received some with a "Welcome to the Brethren" sticker on it (IIRC it was from Bill-Chicago) when I joined this site.

Thanks Charles! That's awesome and this was actually sent out along with a care package from Paul Shirley. I like it since I'm more into savory, salty than sweet.

I'm with Marty on that Breakfast piece, right about now.

Killer grub!

Thanks Marc! In the process of making breakfast.
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All I can say is WOW! It all looks fantastic, and knowing that those other steaks were waiting for me for breakfast, I would get up early!!! Nice job on the pics. Yesterday was my last "Fish Friday" for Lent, so I'll be back to my old carnivorous ways next week.

Thanks Ron! It's great to be back to the usual after lent for sure. It just tastes so much better.

What time do you say breakfast was again? Don't want to be late :-D

Lol, probably late for breakfast but you can def make dinner. :thumb:
Holy cow man that's so fantastic looking eats!!! I'm coming over to your place!!! I've got two racks of baby backs going on in a few minutes, with 2 chuck roasts for PSB without the stout
damn kid looks amazing as usual.... @ blazinfire it would take us a minute to get to ssv's crib from our location probably wouldn't be any left by the time you got there lol
Holy cow man that's so fantastic looking eats!!! I'm coming over to your place!!! I've got two racks of baby backs going on in a few minutes, with 2 chuck roasts for PSB without the stout

damn kid looks amazing as usual.... @ blazinfire it would take us a minute to get to ssv's crib from our location probably wouldn't be any left by the time you got there lol

Lol, That's what I told Kevin. Probably wouldn't make it for breakfast but you can make dinner. :thumb:
Those steaks look might delicious, Sako!

Somehow, and I'm not sure why, but I have this weird idea that there is going to be a breakfast burrito in your immediate future...