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I'd answer the ad but I had a hard time welding that one - burned more holes than welded. I don't have a nice gas welder just a cheapo flux core and I suck With it. And ad says wants for Cheap. :shock:
How did it hold the temps ? Im curious because I was looking at making a horizontal barrel cooker with lid and was curious if it was thick enough metal to warrant the effort.. Given here in Phoenix weather is not an issue. but was curious. See I said curious 4 times !:wacko::blah::blah::blah::loco::shock::wink:
How did it hold the temps ? Im curious because I was looking at making a horizontal barrel cooker with lid and was curious if it was thick enough metal to warrant the effort.. Given here in Phoenix weather is not an issue. but was curious. See I said curious 4 times !:wacko::blah::blah::blah::loco::shock::wink:
Still tweaking mine, about ready to build a version 2. 1 1/2 barrels long to allow a 2) 48inch long grates. I really like mine, not a fuel hog per say, as I can get more than 11hrs on 16lbs of coals/wood which is equal to or greater than most insulated vertical smokers. Just not as efficient as my vertical UDS's. I smoke year round, wind, snow what ever.