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is Blowin Smoke!
Sep 24, 2012
Sauk City, WI
Decided to do a leg of lamb for Christmas. Slathered it with a paste made from himalayan pink salt, pepper, lavendar, herbs de provence, and some grape seed oil. Let it get happy overnight


then, onto the kettle for a while


Let it rest while I finished up the sides, then carved it up


Plated with some candied sweet taters, sauteed onions and mushrooms, and roasted brussel sprouts


and a nice 2 year old homebrew English barleywine for dessert


it did not suck! :thumb:

Hope the rest of you farkers had a merry Christmas!!
Can't say I've ever cooked with lavender... but it sure looks like you had a delicious Christmas Dinner!
I wish my wife would eat lamb I really miss it. Thanks for making me drool though!
Lamb AND home brew. I don't think it could get any better. Looks outstanding Matt, absolutely delicious!
How much lavender and would you say it worked? My wife has an hebr mix with lavender and I've been a little hesitant to use it.

well, I really love lavender with lamb...stew. Honestly, this is the first time I tried it on a big cut like leg, and I'm not sure it added much. I usually throw in a tablespoon or so into a crockpot full of stew, and it adds a nice little flavor in the background...hard to pick it out specifically, but I like it.

Absolutely farking beautiful. Love the char on the outside and gorgeous smoke ring too!

thanks brother...the bone/handle got a bit overcharred...the end just crumbled and broke off :doh: the meat was good, though :thumb:

The lamb looks perfect Would love to try that drink

thanks George...that's probably one of my all time best brews. it's rich and malty, with a lot of fruit notes. If you've ever heard of Samichlaus, it's similar--not nearly as good, though...that stuff is farking amazing!

Lamb AND home brew. I don't think it could get any better. Looks outstanding Matt, absolutely delicious!

thanks Jeanie...we certainly enjoyed it!

Fan-pharkin'-tastic! Looks delicious.

thank you!