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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Nov 29, 2013
Can you use this in a smoker? My grandmother cut a tree down a year or two and has probably 5 cords of it. Just was wondering if I could use it.
I can tell you that it won't kill you because i put eucalyptus leaves in a vaporizer when i'm sick. When you vaporize you're heating it up just before the temperature of combustion.

Now i don't know how it'll taste in smoke but i've read threads that have went both ways. Smoke with some on a simple cook like a fatty and see how you like it.

It's listed as unsuitable on most sites and some varieties are poisonous although i'd assume that is eating
Probably just use it in my fireplace but don't ever see why you can't use it. I understand the oils in the leaves is bad for you but wouldn't use that. Oh well
I have never used it, and I don't have any so am not about to try it... that being said. I see no reason why it is considered "unsuitable for smoking." Sounds like one of those things that got quoted once and has been re-quoted enough times to make it sound like fact (like to what internal temp you need to cook pork - even after offical changes to FDA recommendations and tons of anecdotal information, you still have idiots drying out their pork or believing that the red next to a turkey bone is blood). It is used often in fireplaces, and I will go out on a limb and say that if the fumes were dangerous it would not be used that way. Like anything, it may taste different to some. How many conversations are there about people not liking mesquite smoke?
Maybe I will try some on something simple like fwismoker suggested. Just not sure what type of meat maybe chicken?
Maybe I will try some on something simple like fwismoker suggested. Just not sure what type of meat maybe chicken?

Chicken will soak that up like a sponge, giving you a very narrow window between "good" and "I just puked". I would try it with something more forgiving like a fatty.
It's pretty much all we have and use down under.
We even grill using it.
If it's a seasoned hardwood you are going to be fine, and since everyone I know grew up with it then it will be refreshing to get your take on what it is like for you.
Rest _are_ going to die, just not from using this wood in your stick burner
It's OK sometimes

If used sparingly or burnt down coals are fine. I sometimes use a small piece or two when doing BBQ rotisserie chicken for that authentic South American flavor. My old lady is from Peru and having sampled some fine examples of Peruvian BBQ on many trips, I'd say it's OK. Besides ceviche, Pollo a la Brasa is a national favorite. It's rotisserie chicken cooked over Eucalyptus coals. It's basically the most abundant hard wood in there. Many street vendors selling anticuchos peruanos (meat skewers) grill them with Eucalyptus as well. It is easy to over smoke so use caution...
I have a uds and building a dbs. Bought some pork sausage today so maybe do a couple fatties this weekend in the uds.
I have a uds and building a dbs. Bought some pork sausage today so maybe do a couple fatties this weekend in the uds.

A quick, cheap, and expendable test might be with a "ball park frank" or weiner before you try it on real food. Do three. Give the first one to your neighbors dog. If he seems to like it, give the second to your dog. (your dog is probably spoiled to getting great leftovers) If both dogs seem to want more, save the the third for yourself :wink:.
I take it you like it and use it with no adverse side effects? Not growing a second head or anything? :-D
I take it you like it and use it with no adverse side effects? Not growing a second head or anything? :-D

I would not smoke with it, but i will burn it to make food with. At 800-1000f there is no smoke, just heat, and this wood produces alot of heat/BTU.