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Babbling Farker
Jul 6, 2013
I find that the red hot lump charcoal coals tame down quite a bit after I throw them into my Weber Smokey Joe. I gather because there isn't enough airflow coming from the bottom of the Smokey Joe to support that kind of heat.

Should I modify my smokey joe adding say a couple ball valves on the side (I have the silver) to allow more airflow in? (For short hot cooks).

Or is there another small grill with the charcoal grate close to the cooking grate, that supports 600-800F sears?

Should I make my own?
I like to arrange the coals in my Smokey Joe in a circular fashion, with a hole in the middle of the coals. Since it's a silver version, the vent is at the very bottom. The hole in the center of the charcoals will allow for better air flow, IMO.
How much charcoal are you using? Is it possible that you are using too much charcoal and choking the fire?

I used to have an SJS, and I always found that it go plenty hot.
Ok I put a chimney full (standard sized chimney) of entirely red hot lump in the smokey joe with all the vents wide open. I guess 1/2 full would make better sense because it wouldn't require as much oxygen and burn hotter?
I use 3/4 to half full on mine and I have very few issues. I also tend to bank my lump to one side for my steaks and burgers. there another small grill with the charcoal grate close to the cooking grate, that supports 600-800F sears?

Maybe a cast-iron hibachi type grill would work.


To be honest, I've been looking at this on amazon, and it's about twice the cost of a Smokey Joe.

Perhaps someone can chime in on their experiences.

*edited to add that I have just paid a subscription to BBQ-Brethren because I get priceless info from all who contribute. With my thanks !
The mini Big Green Egg will get to lava temperatures with a small amount of lump. Great for searing steaks (one at a time :-D)
I can hit in the mid 500 range on my GA and that's using one layer of KB. With lump, I think you could make between 600-650 range. This pic is while it's coming up to temp at grill.

So my problem is I used too much lump in it? Should I use 1/2 a chimney full or less? will it burn hotter then?

Use 1/2 - 3/4 of a chimney full. It will allow your fire to breath easier and thus get hotter. Remember, small hot fires for clean burns vs loading up with coals where it chokes itself.
So my problem is I used too much lump in it? Should I use 1/2 a chimney full or less? will it burn hotter then?
Dump enough cold pieces into the kettle to cover the bottom one layer deep. That is the maximum number of coals that you can light for a hot cook.
I use lump with my SJ, no problem, gets pretty dang hot. Maybe try a different lump? Mix in a few briquettes? Vents wide open? Like others said, wait til the chimney is red hot then dump it in, I also usually add a handful of lump after I dump the chimney, let it get crankin' before I put the lid on.
coals in a chimney are more or less in a blast furnace, high air flow rate. you will not get that in any grill. but yea, about 3/4 chimney is about the most you need. add if it gets weak. with either a sjs or sjg you will have differant air flow issues. and so you just need to adapt to those as best you can.