Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies


Babbling Farker
Aug 7, 2006

I decided to rip off an item that RUB has on their menu and I whipped up some bacon chocolate chip cookies. Gary on Pigtrip mentioned them and I decided to give it a whirl.

I wasn't too happy with the results. The bacon flavor was extremely overshadowed by everything else. The cookies were good (very good!) but not what I was looking for.

I'm going to experiment with bacon fat swapping out for some of the butter in the recipe and maybe adding some BaconSalt.

I sprinkled the top with a little ground chipotle. That was an unequivacable success.

I'll let you know how the refinements go. I hope to have it down by Christmas.

I saw that on Gary's site earlier this week too.. I thought he noted that the bacon flavor was relatively mild when mixed with everything else.

Definitely an interesting concept. Those smoked bacon ckunks RUB serves are excellent.

BaconSalt should help amplify the bacon flavor but may make it too salty.
I had Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies at a super bowl party two years ago. This is a sum of the parts thing:

Bacon, YES!
Chocolate Chip Cookies: YES!

Together, not so much........