Doing Panini Sandwiches for 300?

Can you pre-grill/press the ciabatta? I would oil the bread and slightly pre-grill/press them to to about 50% of their finished state, the day before the event. After they've cooled, fill them, wrap them in baking paper, and then foil (see note below). On the day, heat them on a flattop grill, medium heat. 10-15 minutes per side to get them up to temp. Use a probe to check your internals. Heat 25 in advance and keep them under a heat lamp. Then pace yourself with the remaining sammys. The wrapping will serve as the plate--the paper will look rustic, soak grease and keep people from biting into foil.

(Wrap them very orderly, one easy-to-find crease on the side or top. Practice wrapping until you get a system using the lea$t amount of paper/foil. Hand them to the customer with the crease showing to prompt them to open it accordingly).