excessive tar like substance


MemberGot rid of the matchlight.
Dec 28, 2017
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I am running 6 to 8mo old hickory splits in a 2018 CTO. I get excessive amounts of a liquid tar like substance that cools and coats everything, even locking down the fire box door. It has to be the wood and I am going to change to oak. Any suggestions? Anyone deal with this much from a species?
I would also think that if it coated everything, it would also affect the meat?

Have you noticed any off or overpowering flavors?
Liquid tar that coats everything......creosote.

I don't own a stick burner, but I'll bet you're running a smoldering fire that lets it build up.

If it's gunked up your pit, you might need to do a hot clean burn to clear it out.