Weekend Activity Report - Kroger lump charcoal, RO lump, ribs mousse, some pron


is Blowin Smoke!
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Busy weekend- had planned to fire up the UDS and then the curry throwdown was announced. Going to work tomorrow will be a relief!:-D

Kroger lump charcoal is... meh. Most of the bag was filled with small pieces (less than 1 " square), found maybe a handful of medium pieces. Very snap/crackle/pop when it burned and chit flying around. I won't be buying this in the future.

I tried one of the new bags of RO lump since my 2 year old stock is running low. Found 2 bits of concrete. This also did not burn as well as my older stock. The old stock burns with this pleasant sound like tinkling glass... the new RO popped and snapped a fair bit. Overall, I will stick with this for the price and quality.

Saturday was UDS day - fatty for breakfast with honey-poked biscuits, scrambled eggs, and dab of grape jelly. I don't know how I made it this far without knowing how good a fatty goes with biscuits.

The ribs were spectacular. Wife had a tooth extracted last week so guess which version she ate? Yep, the ribs mousse. She said it tasted good after nothing but milkshakes and yogurt for a few days.

Fired up the UDT today for the curry throwdown but that's another post... with lots of pron:biggrin:
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