He Just Smiled....Vegemite

I said to Adams, "are you trying to tempt me?"

You are putting this stay-at-home time to impressively good and diverse use, I must say. Always wanted to try Vegemite.
I purchased Vegemite & Marmite at World Market. It reminds me of stale beer made into a paste with salt. Yeasty. I like it. A little goes a long way.
What better time to try it than now?

Put a smear of butter on a crisp cracker and about half that amount of Vegemite or marmite. I don't eat it every day nor every week. But it hits, and urge hangs for a few days.
Vegemite toast and a glass of Ovaltine,virus don't stand a chance.I saw Tom Hanks was dining on Vegemite while being quarantined DOWN THERE.He and his wife are back in the States now,kicking up their heels.So I hear.