Just love ribs


Full Fledged Farker
Jan 15, 2013
Reno, NV
You can never have to many ribs, i could eat them daily.

Best ribs ive made to date. Nice ring, "comp" style bite, great flavor.
Having two side tables is awesomely handy. can have my pan on the larger side, foil/BP and utensils on the other. Movements are quick and easy so i can seal the drum quickly.
Looks like a combo of dry rub and sauce drizzle, I bet they were amazing.
Indeed they were rubbed and sauced.

The table was from a bed frame (cheap, but a PITA to work with) I kept the brackets on one end and bent them in. With a short piece of all thread and some bolts i can hang paper towels, foil, BP, etc even a small trash can.