"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

Working 7 days a week mandatory so it's gonna be something simple. Maybe some burgers and brats. I am enjoying the reduced prices on meats though. Ox tails, pork belly, ribs, turkey legs, ground beef. Got a prime brisket for $3.49lb. I'm stocking up. Have a great weekend everyone.
Celebratory Family Reunion / Move-In Dinner in ABQ - COMPLETE! (Choice Bone-In Ribeyes with Oakridge Santa Maria / Carne Crosta in 50/50 format + baked 'taters slathered in EVOO + Cavender's Greek Seasoning, topped with plenty of butter and Green Chile Dip).

KIKR Commissary had Flanken Cut Beef Ribs (pretty thick... about 1/4 inch) with nice marbling. Out of Galbi Marinade but they had plenty of Pork/Chicken... Pffft. It'll taste good! Korean BBQ on Saturday!

If family sticks around on Sunday, I'll make a run to El Super and whip up something more than the leftover al Pastor I've got in the fridge!

Interwebs connection installed in next 24!

Kind regards and thin blue to you all