long weekend BBQ report


Maximum Burn

okay, as you may know this is my second day here, and I am new. I had a nnice 4 day weekend (I work 3/4 days on and off)

last week/weekend was a big time for my town for the baseball hall of fame, so big goings on, here's what we cooked up

Last Friday (on a friends metal top gas grill, the gas does not touch the food it heats the metal)

we made pulled pork, shrimps, pork ribs and yes like i said in another thread, grits. the grits came out runny but okay

saturday: we got a bunch of steak - i lightly salted and peppered, heated to 500 degrees, and my friend insisted on bneless chicken thighs we marinated in kens steakhouse house dressing. we got fresh corn from farmers market and i soaked these in pots of lake water (not safe for drinking but okay for boiling) except we did not boil, after soaking we took teh corn and placed around the grill and cooked that way....so good

the steak was awesome, as i said I do not eat all that much beef, it HAS to be good you know?

The chicken was ok...I prefer bonesless breast, the thighs are just so fatty

later another friend made BBQ pizza, she;'s agneius!!!

also saturday my buds at the legion hall BBQd, not to be picky but i just had a beer

SUNDAY we took the portable gas grill (just easier to use) and we cooked up a bunch of chorizo, chicken saugage and jalapeno chicken saugage

we got hummells which are a great kind of organic old fashioned hot dog with natural casing, kosher i think? and fresh rolls, we bought DILL relish, and brown mustard of course, we cooked right on the field of dreams

later we cooked up onions and squashes marinated in salad dressing kens staek house, my friend insisted on aluminom foil but he was kind of right about the cooking surface we just did not have a cookie pan or nothing ready, so spur of th emoment decision

MOnday I used my out door stove i buiult by hand (and need to tear apart and rebuild) the metal top rusted out, the sides are cement blocks, the whole pit is about as big as a washing machine could fit inside, the base and around it is brick. so I used a matrix of branches to cook some hot dogs, BUT the fire got too hot and burned a key bracnh and the dogs fell right into the fire...it smelled nice at least. this is why I need to fix for it.

oh yeah, also friday we had heated up fried squid...it was okay

okay night olwsls good night!