• working on DNS.. links may break temporarily.

CyberQ WiFi Web Service Info (Super Nerdy)

In the above apps, can the food probes be re named by the operator? You might want the first probe to be pork, the second brisket, the third chicken. It might be handy for someone competing.

Will the new cyber wifi support multi food probes ( more than 3)?
In the CyberQ you can rename the probes via the web interface. Obtaining the probe names and the cook and probe temperature setpoints is not as simple as obtaining the temperatures for the probes because they are not published in the XML status document. I am currently getting them by download the main UI web page and using regular expressions to extract them from the javascript inside the page - this is one of the changes we'll be asking for if we can get a discussion going with someone at the mother ship.

One cook probe and three food probes is the limit for this hardware. An app author could potentially support multiple CyberQ WiFi units in one interface to allow you to handle multiple pits from one app, but that would be up to the app author.
Any idea if this will work for a new braunfels hondo smoker and for andriod

The CyberQ can work with any smoker that you can buy or make an adapter to connect the fan to, as long as the cooker does not require a fan that draws more current than the CyberQ can supply. It looks like fans up to 25CFM are available. Here is the published list, there may be something here that will work for you.

As for working with Android, the web interface works just fine with my Android phone. My particular phone/ROM did not support the AD-HOC network needed for the initial configuration, so I had to use my laptop to get the CyberQ joined to my network. I'm in the middle of developing an android app that I hope will be a little lighter weight than the Web interface and will provide some temperature graphing/trending. No ETA on when I'll have anything good enough to share yet, unfortunately. I'm sure I'm not the only one working on mobile apps though.
Great ideas for ios apps. Looking forward to downloading one or more apps to my iPad and iPhone.

Succeeded in getting my CyberQ WiFi to recognize my household Internet WiFi router. Now I must work on a gateway to access the CyberQ device via the Internet; can't do that yet. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Certainly would be easier if there were an app with all the good features discussed here, and most important to me and future users - -
download-and-play, no brainier up-and-run!

If you got on the network, the tough part is probably done. If you left the CyberQ configured for DHCP, then the default gateway is set automatically. If not, just enter the IP address of your router.

To access your CyberQ from the internet, you're going to need two things: Your external IP address, and a "Port Forwarding Rule" entered in your router that allows internet traffic to reach your CyberQ.

Obtaining your external IP address is simple - you can just go to a web page such as http://www.whatismyip.com/ and write down your IP address. This is what you will enter in your phone or browser when you're not at home.

Configuring your port forwarding rule is going to be specific to the router that you have, so you'll need to look at your router documentation or help files to see exactly how you need to go about doing it, but the gist of it is this. You want to select an external port that is somewhat of a high, random number that you can remember - maybe your zip code or your dog's birthday or something (let's say 33444 for the sake of this example). The web server on the CyberQ runs on port 80 (the "normal" port for a web server). Let's say your CyberQ is on In your router, you want to forward external port 33444 to the internal address and internal port 80.

Once you've set up the port forwarding rule, you should be able to open a web browser and enter http://<your external address>:<your external port> and see the CyberQ. It is important that you use the colon and external port when you enter the address! Also note that your external IP address may change occasionally.

Some older routers make you use the same external and internal port numbers. If your router is one of those, I would discourage you from making the CyberQ accessible as there is NO authentication so anyone that finds your system can easily mess with your cooker!
In the above apps, can the food probes be re named by the operator? You might want the first probe to be pork, the second brisket, the third chicken. It might be handy for someone competing.

Will the new cyber wifi support multi food probes ( more than 3)?
Yes they can be named...

Sorry for the delay, my day job is getting in the way. Here is a screen shot of the current version.

I will be traveling during the next few weeks so a release date looks to be June sometime.

Yes they can be named...

Sorry for the delay, my day job is getting in the way. Here is a screen shot of the current version.

I will be traveling during the next few weeks so a release date looks to be June

progress looking great

Elapsed time would be a nice add to the dashboard, I'm not sure if time remaining would be good - weather calculated from delta temp if available, or simply from a target time input by the user.
Any updates. I would begin a app myself but my time right now is limited due to a baby boy taking it up so I'm relying on others at the moment. Great work everyone.
Another feature that would be nice is when it emails/texts you it has a body section so you can put your custom ip address as a hyperlink so you can just click the link to take you to your cyberq. This should be fairly simple since they have a Subject line already there.

I guess you could use the subject line but the body would be cleaner.
Another feature that would be nice is when it emails/texts you it has a body section so you can put your custom ip address as a hyperlink so ...

From the posts here, elsewhere, and by myself, the key to success with a CyberQ WiFi app is auto-synchronizing for infrastructure mode.
Ok talked to the Engineer and the Director of Operations at BBQ Guru and they asked for links to this site where they can offer assistance. Great people to work with and super fast service. I hope they will be able to help out here and get some Apps rolling as this device has a lot of potential.
Yes they can be named...

Sorry for the delay, my day job is getting in the way. Here is a screen shot of the current version.

I will be traveling during the next few weeks so a release date looks to be June sometime.


Looking very good Palmtree! I have a forms based app in progress that is very similar to this.
This is amazing. You guys are doing excellent work. I'm thinking about picking up a CyberQ WiFi for my XL BGE next week. Subscribed. :grin: