Just did the Night Train Brisket...


Babbling Farker
Dec 4, 2008
How do you shoot a target if you don't know what it looks like? Well unless you just get lucky you can't.

That is how I was with Brisket. I was trying to cook a piece of meat not knowing what the texture was supposed to be. I had heard people describe it, but that can only help so much.

If anyone is struggling with this like me. I highly recommend that you read the thread, and do the experiment.

By no means have I hit my target, I just know where it is now.

Thanks Funk!
I tried it at work the other day but while we were out the gas shut off for a few hours till we got back (I'm a fireman, it's a safety feature when we get a call so food left on the stove doesn't burn down the firehouse) so mine was a miserable failure. I will be trying again next week. I need a little funk in my life :wacko: