It isn't Q, but important - evangelizing a product

Thanks for the heads up. We've been looking for something for lettuce and strawberries so this looks like it'll do the trick.
Just ate some cereal with two week old blueberries - fresh as the day I bought them.
Thanks for the heads up on this. Do you keep the container in a certain area/drawer in the fridge, or just stick it in anywhere and it works?
Another thing to keep your fresh parsley, cilantro, dill, etc. fresher, longer is to wrap them in paper towels. They be usable at least twice as long as unwrapped.
Looks cool. I can't tell you how much we throw out because we forget we have it. Thanks for the heads up.
this is great. with a baby in the house we are looking to keep more fresh fruits and veggies in the house