Using MSG in your rub ????


Full Fledged Farker
Aug 17, 2009
I am thinking about adding MSG to one of my current homeade rubs to see how it or if it inhances the flavor of my finished Q. For a 1 cup batch of rub what is a good starting amount if I am to add MSG to the mix? 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon?
There are two schools of thought about Msg. Some people absolutely abhor it and claim to be allergic citing nerve disorders and a host of other issues.
It is a legal additive as far as I know worldwide and is a flavor enhancer. If you do some looking around on the net you will find it comes in many guises, almost any commercial product you look at will have it listed in one form or another. It was first isolated by a Japanese Chemist in 1933 from Wheat (Monosodium Glutatmate) and is not regulated.It is used heavily in Japanese cooking.
Last I checked the Japanese have the longest longevity in the world, so go figure, also MSG occurs naturally in the body.
All that being said. Personally I used to use Accent but for some reason it just didn't taste "right" so I no longer use it, and avoid products that have MSG on the label.
I guess this doesn't really answer your question. Just my 2 cents worth.
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I remember the big hubbub about MSG. Headaches and such. It was my understanding the conection was misproven. I never add msg but don't avoid products that contain it either.
I tried some MSG in our home made rub and I didnt like it at all, (tasted like pepper) need a little more work. Just remember a little goes a long way.
I tried some MSG in our home made rub and I didnt like it at all, (tasted like pepper) need a little more work. Just remember a little goes a long way.

It probably made you taste the pepper in your rub more. It would not make sense that sodium product would taste like pepper. MSG will help bring out the other flavors in your rub. That's probably where the pepper is coming from.

It probably made you taste the pepper in your rub more. It would not make sense that sodium product would taste like pepper. MSG will help bring out the other flavors in your rub. That's probably where the pepper is coming from.
Interesting... Would you advise to slightly reduce the amount of pepper if adding MSG to your rub?
Makes me RUN to the John within 15 minutes of eating it.

Also makes my heart RACE. Wish I was making that up, but I am not!!!

As for enhancing the taste of meat?????

In my opinion, if you have to use a flavor enhancer to make your rub taste good, you have the wrong ingredients in your rub.

Try using only the BEST spices and herbs in your rub and you may find you do not need MSG.

That's what I think and I don't know Jack Squat about anything.

MS is right. If something now seems amp'd up, reduce it.
So I added 1 Tablespoon to a 2 cup batch of my rub. I used it last night on some chicken thighs and I am pretty happy with the results. Adding the MSG seemed to bring out some of the more subtle flavores of the rub. It also amp'd up the onion flavor a little to much so I will be reducing the amount of granulaes in my next batch. The one thing that I cant figure out is this splitting headache that wont go away hmmmmm :wink: JK
No MSG in our house. I know 3 people, including my wife, that have mild to violent reactions to MSG.

Besides, why would good food need an artificial flavor enhancer?
