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Fridge Keeping



Just got a bang up deal on some ribs, butt, and brisket, but cookout isn't until next Thursday morning; will this keep in the fridge until I rub it on Tuesday/Wednesday or should I freeze and then thaw on Monday?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Geaux Saints!!!
Got a beer fridge that you can turn down to 33 or 34 degrees F? That would work. Your kitchen fridge that gets opened and closed with regularity won't stay that cold. If you don't have a cold fridge that stays closed, I would freeze.
Is there a sell by date on the packages? If so they will be good in fridge until at least that date... And a couple days after.
Got a beer fridge out in the garage that I keep at around 40 and I will move the beer so I don't open it up every day, okay, 6 times a day, hahahaha. Looks like the date on the packages is 13 December so it looks like I am good to go. Thanks again
I'd have to freeze it. The Brisket wouldn't concern me that much but the pork would make me worry.

right back at you:cool:

Yep, the beef would be fine. Too bad the SAINTS don't get to come play up nort.