General Coffee Information

List Of Familiar Roast Stages

Cinnamon Roast:
- Light brown to cinnamon color
- Beans are dry (no oil droplets present)
- Agtron 53.1 - 58.0
- Internal Bean Temperature - less than 400° F
- Roast stopped before first crack is completed
- Low body and light acidity

American Roast:
- Medium light brown color
- The beans are still dry
- Agtron 48.1 - 53.0
- Internal bean temperature - 400-415°
- This is the stage where "first crack" begins
- Profile - The acidity brightens and body increases slightly

City Roast:
- Medium brown
- The beans are mostly still dry
- Agtron 43.1 - 48.0
- The acidity continues to increase and the body becomes more potent
- Internal bean temperature - 415-435°
- First crack stage is finished
- Profile - 50% of the sugar is caramelized, acidity is developed and the varietal character of a bean can be clearly tasted

City +:
- A more developed stage of City Roast, well beyond first crack. This roast level definition is from a well-known supplier of green coffee.

Full City:
- Rich brown color
- Beans may show tiny droplets of oil
- Agtron 38.1 - 43.0
- Good Balance between sweetness, body and acidity
- Internal bean temperature - 435-445°
- Just into the first snaps of second crack
- Varietal character is present with decreased acidity and slightly
bittersweet "roast taste"

Full City +:
- More developed version of Full City well into second crack. This definition is also from a well-known supplier of green coffee.

Vienna Roast:
- Moderate dark brown color
- Beans have oil on them
- Agtron 33.1 - 38.0
- Internal bean temperature - 445-455°
- Second crack at or near completion
- Acidity muted. Cup quality is bittersweet with heavier body

French Roast (some call this Italian and some also call the next stage, Italian):
- Dark brown color
- Beans covered with oil
- Agtron 28.1 - 33.0
- Acids are radically decreased
- Internal bean temperature - 455-465°
- Subtle nuances are mostly gone. Body dominates with burnt undertones

Spanish Roast (some call this Italian and some recognize Italian as
another stage just before this one)
- Beans are nearly black and oil-covered
- Flavor compounds are degraded and charcoal tones are present
- Agtron 8.0 - 28.0
- Internal bean temperature - 465-480°
- Burnt bitter tones dominate

Here is a picture showing what the beans at these roast levels:

I have a friend who roasts over a wood fire. The coffee is good, but is't tough to control the roast since you really can't control the heat very easily.