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somebody shut me the fark up.
Jan 26, 2010
The wife wanted an Asian stir fry and suggested that I use the left over rib roast. I was like "Are you crazy, woman!?!" But, she was pretty set on it. So, I relented.

I sliced up the left over rib roast (except for the rib bones and meat around them which I am saving for tomorrow) and made an Asian stir fry. However, because it is being served with Thai rice noodles, I made it with a little extra sauce.

I don't have the exact measurements but I used about 2:1 parts rice vinegar and soy sauce, some oyster sauce, some black bean sauce, garlic, ginger, Sriracha, Thai chili/garlic sauce, a little sugar, white pepper, black pepper, no salt added beef broth, and some sesame oil at the end and thickened it with some corn starch. I used broccoli, water chestnuts, mushrooms, carrots, scallions, bamboo shoots, sugar snap peas, and some peppers for the veggies.

Anyway, here is the finished dish. It was pretty darn tasty!



Thanks for looking!
I think you should be nice to your wife, Joe. :wink: That was a bangin' idea she had, and it looks outstanding!! :thumb: