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Looking good!

Again, I strongly recommend some HD swivel casters. Earl is a PITA to move and has probably half the plate you are gonna have and you have 33% more thickness. That is 2.7 times the weight of Earl.
Nice looking design & clean fabrication work! I'm thinking a modified trailer dolly to move it around?
He is still working out the moving part. He is delivering it, so he has the first hurdle to cross in even getting it from the shop onto the truck.
Very nice! Really makes me miss the days where I had everything available to build/fabricate what ever was required. Your mind was your limitation.
I'm feeling a little naked this morning. I sold my WSM 22.5" last night to a local forum member. I've still got other stuff to cook on for the few weeks until this one is ready, but that WSM has served me well for a lot of cooks. I got it when I moved to this area because I had to rent for a while and the WSM was about as much as I wanted to put on the rental patio without getting anyone up in arms. I ended up adding a few other cookers once I felt like nobody was going to go all "HOA violation" on me, but that was my regular cooker. I finally bought a house this summer and figured it was time to get back to "normal." It has been weird in general living in subdivision-land. Until I moved to DFW, I had lived it an extremely rural area with acreage. Burning sticks was the only way to go. I'm not sure how folks are going to respond when they see this beast roll through my yard... Luckily, the subdivision I am in now is pretty laid back and far enough into the fringe of the DFW Metroplex that I don't foresee any issues.

A hard couple of weeks (waiting) ahead for sure...
I'm not sure how folks are going to respond when they see this beast roll through my yard... Luckily, the subdivision I am in now is pretty laid back and far enough into the fringe of the DFW Metroplex that I don't foresee any issues.

A hard couple of weeks (waiting) ahead for sure...
My guess is they will be stopping by more often to see what you are cooking and hoping for a's Texas, afterall.

The shakes will come soon... :biggrin:
Looking good! I was curious why you had the space between the cook chamber and warming chamber but I see now.
Looking good! I was curious why you had the space between the cook chamber and warming chamber but I see now.

There will be dual exhausts (another coming up out of the vertical and running parallel to the one in the picture) so that depending on how the damper between the main chamber and vertical is set the air flow can be adjusted accordingly.
There will be dual exhausts (another coming up out of the vertical and running parallel to the one in the picture) so that depending on how the damper between the main chamber and vertical is set the air flow can be adjusted accordingly.
Gotcha! What is the O/A height of the stacks?