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I can really join the society, that is if you will have me :tongue: I am the proud new owner of a 22" kettle, will be here Monday and I was given a 2001 18" a couple of weeks ago,(mini WSM stand right now,the replacement vanes should be here today) The only thing I have done is turn my smokey joe silver into a mini WSM. I can not use my 18" WSM until I build a surround to keep my dog away so it sits in the box until we move.
Don't want to sound like a smart azz, but, stock positions bro... I checked 2 of my kettles just to make sure I wasn't missing something, depending how warped the charcoal grate is from use, it sits about 5 - 5 1/2" from the cooking grate.

Are you trying to get it closer than that?


Not smart a$$ at all. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I should have gotten off my butt and measured the thing instead of sitting here and holding my thumb and finger apart for the estimate. Now that I have done that, I see my cooking grill is actually 5" from the charcoal grill, so yes, I guess I'm trying to get them a little closer. I like to do steaks really hot and fast. John Setzler invented a expanded metal thing to use for this on his CharGriller Kamado, which is perfect, except .... I don't have a CGK.
There is a great solution right there. :clap:

A little more detail for this slow poke would be appreciated ... cuz seems to me the bottom part of the crescents already support the existing charcoal grill, and the top part already supports the existing food grill.
Weber makes crescent shaped baskets to hold charcoal off to the sides for indirect cooking. They're about four inches high and maybe a foot long. I use them on top of the kettle charcoal grate to boost up the smokey joe grate. Then I put the charcoal on the smokey joe grate which is now four inches closer to the cooking grate.
Hey ya'll this is my first post and I want to say I love this site. Now with that out of the way I got my first weber kettle grill 22.5 in about 10 years ago from my grandpa who gave me his old one because he upgraded, come to find out through this site the weber I have is 1 year younger than I am and I'm 26. Last year I bought a little smokey joe to take with me on camping trips and to football games or what not (Go Chiefs).
I cook allot of skirt & hanger steak for Fajitas, I take the grate out and lay the meat directly on the coals. Perfect sear every time.
Nice, im looking for one on CL but i cant find any at a reasonable price, there is one being sold for $60, its a 22.5". Is it worth it?
Good story behind my new weber 22.5 purchase.

It's Memorial day. Need to grill out! My grill has seen better days, so I decide it's time to replace her. She served well. Chargriller Duo. Gas one side, charcoal on the other. I mainly ended up using the charcoal side. The gas side lasted like 1.5 years until the burners rusted out and the grates were toast. Good grill, just not built for the Florida salty air I guess.

So, me and the wife decide to put that old junker out on the front of the driveway along with an old weed whacker, and a reel mower that I never use. Had to make room in my shed for my new wheels I got for my Jeep! Given fact, if you put stuff out in front of the house, people will take it. No need to call the trash company for a bulk pick up.

So out it goes. Hop online, order me a new grill from Wal-Mart. Yup I am that lazy, or just hate people that much. I'd rather order online and have them email me when pick up is ready, than deal with sitting in Wal-Mart and waiting in Memorial Day lines. Anyway, 3 hours later I get an email to come pick up my grill at the Site to Store Pick Up Area. NICE! No lines, no idiots to deal with, just show the receipt and go!

Well here is what I got. Gonna test the 10 year no rust or burn through of the Weber 22.5 Sliver Kettle Grill.



Anyway, While I am putting the new grill together, I hear my wife say "James, get in here! You gotta see this" So I head to the front of the house, look out the window, and there is this guy in some kind of Camry or Hyundai trying to fit my old grill in his trunk. Old grill is pretty damn big, and there aint no way that's gonna happen. So he gets this Brilliant Idea to tie it to his trunk and drag it like a trailer. Wife said you should go help him, I say NO WAY. I am not going to be responsible for his dumb ideas. He kills someone in the process, I want my hands to be clean. So I just sit there and watch this full out nimrod for a bit when all of a sudden, some red neck trash warrior drives by on a motorized bicycle with a child's wagon as a trailer. I was at a loss. Never seen suck redneckery! He stops, rummages through what was left, and take a cooler I think. Zips down the street and turns around. Just as he passed by on his motorized Schwinn with a little tikes wagon, the brainiac with the rusted out grill tied to his Datsun peels away slowly.

Needless to say, after all this laughing at the bizarre douchbaggery, I find out my wife videoed the whole thing from her cell phone.

I drop an F bomb or two so I would keep the sound down at work. Filmed on a cell phone from inside the house, so quality is meh.....

So like any normal redneck, I bring my grill to the front yard and cook some steaks with my boy and Larry the Cat. To teach them the fine art of cooking on a kettle.


End product. NY Strip topped with feta and some roasted peppers.


I like my kettle so much, I picked up an 18 inch yesterday off craigs list for 30 bucks. Damn near brand new.

Don't sweat it if it's sold. I used to live in L.A. and in my time there have seen numerous kettles pop up through out each week. Just have to act fast. :thumb: