UDS attempt #2


Full Fledged Farker
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Prairie Village, KS
First run was a slab of BB's and a fattie. This time around, 6 pound butt and a small brisket. So this will be my first "almost" all day cook. The butt is on and the brisket will go on later. It's just a small flat (almost 3 pounds), so it won't take long (assuming it doesn't become burnt ends).

Right off the bat, temp isn't where I had hoped it would be. I must have a leak somewhere in the drum, as I'm hovering around 250-255 w/ all three bottom vents closed. BUT, it's holding, so that's a good start. I can live with that for now, but will be tinkering next week!

Each drum has a temp it likes to run at. Don't sweat it just embrace it
One of mine did the same thing then after a few smokes it settled down. Now it's my go to smoker.
The temp did eventually level off and kept it locked in at @ 225-230 for the better part of the day. Hands off! The butt turned out quite well (hands too messy for pics). I was also quite happy w/ the brisket. It wasn't a full cut, but it stayed plenty tender and tasted damn good. I have to admit that after tasting both, I just stood back and shook my head that something so simple really worked.
