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Knows what a fatty is.
Nov 24, 2008
Far Northern California
So I'm cooking this tri-tip Sunday night on the UDS. I've got a double layer of Lazzari Mesquite lump going in the charcoal basket with all the intakes open and the lid propped up like the way my brothers-in-law use the barrel cookers. I am very pleased with the temps because I wanted my UDS to be versatile and be able to smoke AND grill.

The dial thermo on the UDS is reading about 375° and it looks like it is time to check the internal temp of the tri-tip. So I grab my Taylor 9842 Instant Read and go to it. Now I have this vision thing (hereditary) where I am somewhat near-sighted and glasses don't really help. So I have to get pretty close to read the temp on the instant read and the stem on the Taylor is kind of short.

So as I am leaning over the barrel trying to get close enough to the Taylor to read it and, as I feel the skin tightening up on my face from the heat and infrared (or ultraviolet, I am not really sure) rays, a thought comes to mind.

It is time to buy a Thermapen. I have a birthday coming up :biggrin: so hopefully one is in my future.

Not trying to ignite a debate or anything but I'm thinking . . . a blue Thermapen would be nice.

You are correct with the blue one. You even get a snack with it. Nice people to do business with as well.


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still waiting on the quick stick from the bbq guru guys,, should be available in early spring,, nothing against the thermapen,,,the quick stick is gonna have a few extra features from what I've heard,,gonna have to give them a call and get more details thou.
I have been wanting a Thermapen myself for a couple months. Just waiting for someone to put them on sale like they did last fall. I guess if I wait long enough BBQ Guru will have theirs out and I'll check them out. Guru makes good stuff so they won't market it until it is right.
I'd go look at their site and pick one with a probe on a cable. Put the probe in and hold the digital part right to your face. even with the t-pen, you have to get close to it to read it. Scott
I say go right ahead, buy a blue thermapen. Have fun. It will do a good job for you. Someday you'll work your way up to a red one.

I think it's good for everyone to start small. Gives you something to aspire too.
I got a black thermapen for Christmas and not only am I cooking better "Q", I get better mileage on my car as well and have won the Powerball Jackpot 3 times in a row. Oprah is constantly callling and my 401K (Q) has gone through the roof!
still waiting on the quick stick from the bbq guru guys,, should be available in early spring,, nothing against the thermapen,,,the quick stick is gonna have a few extra features from what I've heard,,gonna have to give them a call and get more details thou.

Trust me, the Blue Thermapen has all of the best features... Not only is it the fastest and most accurate, it also has the GPS feature!
Not trying to ignite a debate or anything but I'm thinking . . . a blue Thermapen would be nice.


Have you gone MAD!?? have you forgot which forum your on? The mere mention of thermapen can get these guys up faster than an empty beer can and a cold pit.

Your a fool if you don't go for the blue. My blue is not only ultra fast, but it comes with visual and olfactory sensors and a self activated do-over button used when it detects that you wrecked the meat.