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View attachment 26291

Popdaddy Presents
View attachment 26290
Popdaddy Wheeling in for Benefit at the Watts Farmer's Market "BigMista" Booth circa 1999

Fried Chicken for Half-A@@ed Friends
View attachment 26288

Its time to Release it. Coming soon, I release a pretty unique way to offer fried chicken to the Public. This originally came to me 12 years ago when I was forced to sell my fried chicken in bags people could take home. As you well know from Chicken and Blind Boxes, whatever was crispy ain't when you pop it in a bag or box for a while.

It will be released this afternoon.

Inspired by the Contents of the below Release
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Okay Daddy-O, I'm waitin' too. I hope you didn't forget to fry up some gizzards......​
Now with Video

Popdaddys Fried Chicken For Half-A@@ed Friends with Love Gravy wiped on the sheets of a Scandalous Sex Suite

This stuff is great Fresh or In a Bag Cold....

Video if down just keep Checking.

Step One

The Scandalous Sex Suite (SEX Sprinkle)

1C + Granulated Prince
1C Carlos Santana

1C Regular George Clinton
1C + Tina Turner

1C + Granulated Rick James

1C Don Cornelius

1 C Little Richard

1 ½ C Chubby Checker / Larry Graham / George Clinton Mix

Small amount of a signature ingredient… I use Drells without the Bell. Hee Hee

As well as the spice for the Sauce it’s a post cook/dip sprinkle on. Rub Color is not too red mostly reddish cream in color.

Note… do not be tempted to use any of this in your Dredge. It’s a Mistake. Do not be tempted to preseason the Bird with this. It’s a Mistake. I have made it.

Video if down just keep Checking.

Step- Two

Sweet Spicy Love Gravy

One Gallon of Red Arthetha Franklin

One Gallon of Louisiana Cajun Chef Sauce/
Crystals or Louisiana Hot Sauce are not deep but hot sauces.

Video if down just keep Checking.

I need Flavor more than heat. Use something else and you may be asking for trouble.This is an exquisite sauce and I have not been able to match the flavor with anything else. Should you try with something else, add the Hot Sauce last. If you hate the sauce... I told you so

Or any Rendition of Equal Parts

Bring to a Boil and add 2 – 2 ½ cups of Scandalous Sex Suite as soon as it does. We don’t want to boil away the Vinegar.

Once this has boiled to a good mix (3- 5 Minutes) turn heat off.

Add 3+ Quarts to One Gallon of Taste of Honey


Video if down just keep Checking.

Step 3

Sista Dredge

3 Parts flour (how bout a name for this

1 Part medium ground Larry Graham
1 or less Part REGULAR George Clinton
1 Part "Other"
(which was 1/3 Granulated Rick James, 1/3 Granulated Prince, 1/3 Your Touch - Mine was Peaches and Cream)

A note of caution… this is more like a Rub with flour in it. The first time I made it I tasted it and thought it was too much Clinton and added flour. The resulting product was bland. However, make it to this ratio and dredge DRY chicken in it and you have just enough seasoning. Also, since you are not making a thick batter you will have pork rind like skin. Crispy. Don't defat anything!!!!


Also, do not use larger grained George … I tried this and what happens is the mix gets to Clintony as you go along because the grains settle to the bottom.

You can nix the Peaches and Cream which is my signature BUT when dipped in the honey sauce its Money. Flavors go well together. Just don’t deviate from the pepper to flour ratio.

Video if down just keep Checking.

Step 4

The Process (Oil at 325-350)

The Chicken PARTS are dredged only DRY Patted(No Wash). Only the Sweat of the Chicken should be there. They are fried in this order, Thighs, Legs, Wings, then Breasts then set for 11-13 Minutes. Afterward they are drained and DIPPED into the sauce and Sprinkled with Scandal Sex Suite Sex Sprinkle.

Added Touch =

The Whole Chix can be Injected UNDER the skin with Cajun Creole Butter Injection (retail) and Fried for 40 Minutes, Dipped and Sprinkled.

Half A@@ed Chicks take about 34 Minutes.

NOTES and Errors

First Test on the Batter 8/02

Do not be intimidated by the Rub.

I screwed up once and tasted it before frying because it just seemed too dark. It nearly choked me.

So I added 2 more cups of flour hoping to tone it down.

After frying I wish I had left it alone.

One must remember that in this fry it’s the meat that takes the stage and not the batter. If I had done my usual buttermilk bath or an egg wash it WOULD have been too strong. But we are NOT doing that. As a result the chicken gets a light coating on this stuff which if you really look at it in its original form is more spice than flour.

Also remember this chix gets a bath on that sauce too which adds flavor. That may be his grace that the chix with the startling ratios is balanced by the vinegar and hot sauce and honey.


Biting into the bird without letting it cool. LOL
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Oh.. can anyone guess why this thread can still be used in BBQ Q Talk? Anyone wanna dredge that up?
Liked the Post very much and the next time I fry chicken I'm gonna do it this way!!! Pop you the $hit
Thanks man! Just the first time... try not to deviate from it.... I made all the screw ups getting there. No use you throwing away a bird.
You really are a Whore!
Nice spiff for Phil however.

I loved watching the video, almost as much as looking at your Wife, I mean
recipe. Sorry...

Great job Funkman.

Funk, you make me smile and that is a good thing:-D

"3 Parts flour (how bout a name for this"

How about Madonna? She is white and what you need for your "bread" (ing).
You ain't right brother...:lol::lol::lol:...that's what I love about you! :p Thanks for the's a classic! :biggrin: