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Okay maybe this one will stick.

Here is a video about roughing in a gas assist. Like the big boys have. I love this thing. I will not for obvious reasons advise anyone on hooking it up to gas. That is for you to figure out with a professional's help.

Look at the Cameo appearance of one of our own at the end.
well, at first I needed the gas for extra insurance overnight on the funkotorium when it was like maybe 10 degrees outside (not a prob on Texas).

It is GREAT for lighting coals. From time to time I use it when I go to bed (rare I bbq when I sleep now that I am in school). It will only keep the oven at about 250 if I close one vent up top. So if I have it coupled with the stoker and a few logs I can set it at the 270 range with a load of wood and good coals in there at 11PM. I can see the Stoker log in bed so I know whats up. The Pit settles to about 250 about 5am and I wake up to an empty tank and an alarm when the pit dips quickly at around 7 AM.

Like I said, I never have a reason to do that now.
to add heat for a cook. Like I said, it was hard to hot and fast when the meat mama was in Connecticut. Its WONDERFUL for lighting my logs up.

You will notice my pit has quite a long firebox. This lends itself nicely to a long trail of coal at times when you are lazy. Starting the coals at one end and letting it go to the other works well.

One thing though, when using coal in that thing I wish I had of desgned it like the southern yankee instead of the austin national. I need a quick and efficent ash dump after about 5 hours.
After seeing Yelonutz's Gator with gas assist, I got a new appreciation for gas assist in lighting the fire up. Makes me want one for the Kettle and the smoke shack.
The great thing about that is.... the meat mama and brazos are big chunks of metal. Takes a lot to get them hot. Lighting the wood AND heating your metal and nooks and crannies in under 40 minutes and burning good clean smoke with a nice bed of coals to lay your first POST LIGHT log on is a real plus. Of course, I have force air too.
Funk How does this compare to the log lighter you had in the 3000?

Well, even though the vidoe came out now I think I have had the gas assist more than a year. The Log lighter kept getting clogged. I need to remove it. It also does not put out nearly anywhere as much heat as the gas assist does.

Its an extra expense to run so I don't use it but to light and get the temp up to start.

BUT in a pinch..... it sure is nice to have a backup plan. I ran outta fuel once and had smoked my load maybe 5 hours. Suure was nice.
So the moral of the story is you don't want to run out of gas?
I love my gas assist. I have one on my offset to start up the logs.....turn it on, then come back in 45 minutes and kill it and start cooking.

I also have one on my GF in the cook chamber (I don't use one to light the charcoal in the chute). I use it to get the metal up to temp. This really cuts down the time to when I can start cooking.
I made the video only to promote Neil. Since everyone wants to talk about BBQ pits I am going to postpone neil and I's film another year. The footage in Chili sauce 4 is a year old.