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Midnight Smoke

somebody shut me the fark up.
Jan 24, 2008
Southern Arizona Desert
Never tried it even though Pecan is all around us.

Cut it and split for the UDS, left a few larger in case I wanted to use the off set again.




Just started using pecan and I'm really happy with the results.
Forgot to say that was $15.00 worth. Got about nice 8 logs.

I put an ad on CL for Apple etc... Had a response for the Pecan, that saved me driving 60mi + round trip to go the orchard. Good deal just to try it.

Only 5 minutes away, this will last me for several cooks.
That looks like the milk crate set up I got. I just split some up today too. You will love it.

Expect wood beetles to show up. They are kinda exclusive to pecan and love to make it their home. They are harmless, but love to lay their eggs on it. I've tried EVERYTHING and they still find my wood pile. I don't mind sharing though.
Expect wood beetles to show up. They are kinda exclusive to pecan and love to make it their home. They are harmless, but love to lay their eggs on it. I've tried EVERYTHING and they still find my wood pile. I don't mind sharing though.

I had 1 log that had worm holes, it was one of the larger pieces. Had a white worm that got sent to worm land right away. It must be really bad here, the Mesquite and the Eucalyptus had borer's also when I brought it home.
If the grub was kinda wedge shaped with a brown face end, that was wood bettle. I have those same little bastidges in my wood pile. They emerge and look like Yellow Jackets but are harmless. They love pecan for some reason. The pecan farmers set up liquid traps like crazy to keep them in control. THey are no biggie though. Even critters need a home.