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Chef Jim

Babbling Farker
Feb 7, 2010
Tequesta, Florida
I was at a comp yesterday and one of my fellow judges told me about a new cooker he just bought. Mind you, this guy does Q and knows what he is talking about.

It's called an "Orion" and looks like this.


I googled it and there is a you tube video and some basic information. Regardless, he told me it is the best turkey cooker he has ever used. He found that poultry is the only thing that it cooked really well.

I think it's more of a cooker than a smoker but it might be worth a try. A 20 lb. bird in 2 hours and 15 minutes is really fast.

Ace hardware has them on their site for $129.00
The heat is all on the outside of the food. That means it will not add smoke or charcoal taste. No different than a oven. Plus they have small cooking area. Waste of time and effort to me. Steve.
As mentioned above, the heat is from the outside, although it does have a spot to put a few wood chips inside to get smoke circulating inside with the moist air circulating around. I have never cooked with one but I can't imagine the results being similar to other smokers. In fact, someone asked about one of these just a few weeks ago and some people who had tried them chimed in. They sound like they can definitely cook, just the cooking method is different, and results aren't quite the same.
I know it turns out a delicious and moist product from the few times I have been around one. Seems like they waste charcoal though. They are awesome for turkeys. You will get an very good product consistently with one of these. Just not as pronounced of a smoke flavor.
Bought one on sale a few years back. It does a nice job on turkey or chicken, but as others have said, it's inefficient, a real fuel hog, and not great for adding smoky flavor. Came with hooks for hanging slabs of ribs, but the one time I tried thier directions, the ribs got so overcooked their weight pulled apart where the hooks were, and I opened it to find my ribs sitting in a pool of their own fat at the bottom:mad2:

I am keeping the hooks and the conical bird stand for use in my vertical smoker. The rest goes on craigslist in the spring. Not worth even the sale price.
Seen one at one comp, all I could smell was lighter fluid....yep he was using match light!!! But in this instance maybe ok? :rolleyes: He had wood chips inside of it, cooked a brisket flat in like 2.5 hours, tasted worst than shoe leather!!!!
Seen one at one comp, all I could smell was lighter fluid....yep he was using match light!!! But in this instance maybe ok? :rolleyes: He had wood chips inside of it, cooked a brisket flat in like 2.5 hours, tasted worst than shoe leather!!!!

You're supposed to use Matchlight. The instructions say to use a WHOLE 11 lb bag of the stuff for EACH cook! Here's a link to the downloadable PDF of the Manual and Cookbook:

That's the other reason I didn't care for it. If I recall, an 11 lb bag of Matchlight was like $10 or $15. PLUS, you can't check your meat during the cook. The way it works is by convection. SO, you put the meat in, put the lid on, fire the charcoal and let it go. If you remove the lid 1/2 way in, you lose the convection and I'd assume it would take some time to let the cooker come back to temp.

You can add wood chips in the bottom tray for smoke, but I just didn't taste the smoke much in the butts I cooked.

The butts were pull apart tender for sure in only 3.5 hours, so that in itself is an amazing thing, BUT it tasted like they were cooked in the oven. Not much smoke flavor.