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It depends. Does your injection contain particulate or is it clear? How much do you put in? just a few cc's or quarts?

If it's clear you can use an auto injector, if you have particulate in it you're better off with a manual fill type.

You can go to our Brethren ventures page to see a couple of auto fill injectors.
This one!! Make sure you get the metal one. They used to sell a similar one made of plastic. But this one has been going strong for over a year.
For the record, I don't like the regular syringe type..even the stainless ones. Can't get enough force behind them when injecting briskets.

I really like it and is so much easier and quicker to use than a reguler syringe type.
I bought one of those about a month ago. I used twice at home and this past weekend at Salisbury, our 1st comp of the season and it came apart while the butts were being injected. The threads on the plastic tube must have striped because if you used the max setting (5) is would blow off on the last squirt. I guess you get what you pay for.

That is odd maybe you got a bad one. I use it on 5 and have had it for over a year. injecting a total of about 100 butts and 30 briskets.
My spitjack had an issue over the winter (it was about 3 years old) so I called....had a brand new setup 2 days later with a return mailer....GREAT product
I love the spitjack as it is easy on the hands and will allow you to dial in precise doses. it makes easy work of injecting and was well worth the price.
It depends. Does your injection contain particulate or is it clear? How much do you put in? just a few cc's or quarts?

If it's clear you can use an auto injector, if you have particulate in it you're better off with a manual fill type.

You can go to our Brethren ventures page to see a couple of auto fill injectors.

I use the spitjack and like it. I have seen the ones that Mike ios talking about and they are really nice and the price is pretty good
I just use the old handheld cheapies. I'm typically not in a hurry to inject my one or two briskets. Our pork butt cook also uses the cheapies...although his is a little better!
My injector just bit the dust. It was a cheap super market one so it's time for me to upgrade.

Any suggestions?


It's green. Bought it for $1.79 five years ago. Got another one just like it in the Managers bin for $.99 2 years ago as a backup. I'm good for another 5-10 years.

What I'm tryin to say......ya don't need no fancy a$$ injecter like Myron. Remember your just trying to convey liquid approximately 2" from the source into the meat.:crazy:
I have a myron type injector, I used it a lot last year, but this year i switched back to a smaller vet type injector i picked up from Rural King and I also bought 18g disposable needles so when i am done i re cap them and pitch everything at home.
I'll put another good word in for the SpitJack injector. I have one that I use all the time and really like it.
We used to replace our injector every 2 or 3 comps. The Spitjack has been to about 40 so far and still going strong.

I just had one delivered, and have a question if someone can help. I got the standard one, and it came with 2 needles.

Jumpin' Jeebus! These needles are HUGE!!:shocked:

Very sturdy looking, but they appear to be about 1/8" in diameter. Folks actually use these and dont turn their meat into Swiss Cheese?

What say you Spitjack owners?

I just ordered one of the smaller needles and an adapter in hopes it will work with the injector needles I've been using