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The Pickled Pig

To date, we've assigned categories to individuals on the team for each contest. Each person has been responsible for a specific category and we've shared in the overhead expenses. We're trying something new this weekend for a contest in that we're taking a team approach to each category and centralizing all expenses. One thing this has already done is given us an idea of exactly how much we spend to do a contest. Up to now, I had little idea of the total money we as a team actually spend.

I'm wondering how much money everyone spends in an average KCBS contest. I realize different contests have different expenses. Our American Royal expenses last year were off the charts. But this is a small contest (maybe 40 teams) and we're not doing any entertainment. Without including any personal expenses (like beer) or entertainment expenses like Friday night food. Just to enter the 4 main categories we've spent just over $500 (including food, supplies, and the $150 entry fee but not including any capital cost for equipment and gear). Is this reasonable or are we going overboard?

It seems high to me. Over the years we've become accustomed to some luxury items and I know we could trim some of the costs if needed. But I was just wondering what everyone else spends for a typical contest?
Based on your $150 entry fee, which is low where I am, I would spend a total of about $400 + fuel to get there. I'm a 1 man low budget team :wink:
I generally run $600-$1000 depending on location and charge of entry fee.

This # includes entry fee (avg. 225 w/ utilities in Northeast), gas & tolls (depends on distance, but avg. approx 200 mi.), KCBS meats (usually +/- $150), garnish, sauces/rubs, estimates on replenishable items like charcoal/wood, foil, paper goods & other misc. supplies, misc. food & drink.
We got by last weekend with $150+gas. That figures that we won half of our entry fee back, get our chicken & brisket for free each contest, and split a case of garnish with HoDeDo.
$800-$1000 here per contest.... entry fees, fuel, and supplies..

Groceries are always the shocker.. and then ICE.. that last expense on the way to the highway.. .. packing 2 - 150 qt coolers with ice.. 75 bucks at 7/11.

plus $41 for a bottle of kitchen bouquet and a thermometer. :twisted:
I generally run $600-$1000 depending on location and charge of entry fee.

This # includes entry fee (avg. 225 w/ utilities in Northeast), gas & tolls (depends on distance, but avg. approx 200 mi.), KCBS meats (usually +/- $150), garnish, sauces/rubs, estimates on replenishable items like charcoal/wood, foil, paper goods & other misc. supplies, misc. food & drink.

Same # here depending on how far we have to travel and whether I have to pay for a double space.
If I had to spend $1000 per contest, I'd be able to do a grand total of TWO or THREE per year. Holy chit!! We do around $400 plus gas here.
Just broke down last weekend's:

Entry fee $125 x 2(needed the space)= $250
Comp Meat =$125
Family & Friends food & beverage= $150
Motorhome Gas(no electric at comp, so running generator 24/7= $100
Supplies that need to be replaced,
(Aluiminum foil, pans, sauces, rubs, gloves..ect..= $50

That's $675 for a comp that was 15-20 min from the house. Mind you I wouldn't normally do the friends and family deal, but still need to feed the team. Plus the gas for a further away comp will be much more than that anyway.And I'm sure there is stuff I'm forgetting to take into account...:eusa_clap
So far we're at about $400 per plus gas. This amount is including some start up team costs - t-shirts and bulk purchase of foil, tins, wrap, etc.

My brother and I split costs 50/50. Enter our costs in a spreadsheet to track and email it back and forth as we add stuff. Works well.

Now that we've recruited our dad as our team technical engineer (Mr. Fix-It) and runner - we're trying to talk him into providing an RV. At the last comp I gave him the I have a Dream speech. The one reminding him when he was younger and wanted a family that it was his dream to raise and provide for them as they needed then stated that he shouldn't give up on that dream. He laughed.
I'd estimate not including travel expesnses (fuel, tolls) etc. or lodging (since we always stay at the site) we're in for about $500-$600.

This includes entry fee, meat (KCBS and grilling), sauces, spices. paper goods, garnishes, ice, and other incidentals.

Beer/Alchohol & non competition food not included.

Certainly NO consideration for gear or equipment in here.
Man, I don't even want to figure this up. Don't want to know. If I knew what it was costing me, I wouldn't do it. Some things are better left alone.
We probably average about 350 or 400 per contest. For the meat, entry fee and the stuff needed to cook. With gas it is probably closer to 500.
I asked this same question back in January when I was collecting stuff to get started. Still collecting, took a couple cooking classes, judged a couple comps, meeting teams and defintely have the itch to get started.


Sorry Brian. I didn't mean to step on your thread. I looked for a similar thread but did not see yours.:oops:

Thanks for all of the responses. I don't feel so bad now as it would appear we're in a reasonable range.

So let me get this straight. We brethren spent countless days of preparation, hours of travel, and upwards of $1,000 for the privilege of cooking food for people we don't know under sometimes deplorable conditions to be subjected to sometimes unfair critcism with the hope of being validated by hearing our name called. And then because it makes so much sense we repeat the process several times each year.

What is wrong with us?
Our first competition is next week and since it's just my wife & I there is no one to split the cost with. I don't even want to thing about what we've spent on "stuff". It all adds up quick.
Cost of 16' Trailer and 3 smokers $ 10,000
Towing Vehicle $ 40,000
Meat $ 200
Supplies $ 300
Fees $ 200

The pleasure of setting up in the outdoors, getting rained on, bitten by you name it, nasty port potties, taste scores of 4 or 5 when its the best product you ever made.... PRICELESS !!!

For everything else, theres Visa when you just dont have anymore cash...:-D