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Full Fledged Farker
Dec 4, 2005
Wantagh, NY
At the Zeravica house on Christmas eve meat is outlawed so we have seafood! Clams,Shrimp, Calamari, Seafood lasagna, seafood fritters, spaghetti, zeppole (zeppolis), rice balls and so on
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Hey Steve we always have a ham but this year my parents went with lasagna to it was a great choice we did have some Italian bread to clean the plate.LOL
Looks great. We do the same here at home. Me, being the neathen Baptist that I am, never heard of such a thing until I met and married my Catholic wife. They call the the feast of 7 fishes, but since me and my MIL are both Protestant, we only do 5 fishes.

Today though we're having baked Ham. I was oncall and working the past 36 hours off and on so Smoking was out of the question. On top of todays stormy weather thats coming through Florida. I might have to go tie down my equipment to keep it from bloing away.
That all looks great, Steve!

My wife HATES seafood, so no seafood is allowed in our house! Once in a while I'll cook some on the grill for me, but only when she's not around! :rolleyes:
Sledneck said:
Croatian(to the right), close enough though, only thing that seperates us is the adriatic sea

We have probably 15-20 Bosnian's at work. I know that one of the guys mom lives in Croatia. He went over there last summer and brought back some pictures of Bosnia and Croatia. Beautiful country!
That's a great looking spred.
Did you do all 7 fish. We went out last night, I only had 3.
Marry Christmas
nonthink said:
That's a great looking spred.
Did you do all 7 fish. We went out last night, I only had 3.
Marry Christmas

The 7 fish tradition is a sicilian thing, we just do any type of seafood and pasta although we did make fried chicken cutlets for the kids(shhhhh) we also do baccala for lunch(dried cod in a soup that stinks like hell)
Sledneck said:

The 7 fish tradition is a sicilian thing, we just do any type of seafood and pasta although we did make fried chicken cutlets for the kids(shhhhh) we also do baccala for lunch(dried cod in a soup that stinks like hell)

Can't smell any worse than lutefisk.

Nice spread. Looks like the family had a good time.
Steve, good to see that you and your family are not going hungry.:mrgreen:
That is one terrific looking spread.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Great looking spread Steve.

The freast of the 7 fishes has been a tradition that my family observes every year. It;s great to have them around the table enjoying a good meal.

I spent a fair amout of time in Triesta Italy which is right next to Croatia.
The food in the area is an interesting blend of the two cultures.
My ancestors are from Naples, and Calabria and we’ve been doing the 7 fish thing ever since I can remember. Not this year though. No one really had the time to put it all together.
Great looking spread there. I'm just an old country boy so thanks for teaching me about that Feast of Seven Fishes. Never heard of it before but sounds like a real good time.
I didnt see any sweet lucy or any slivo (sp?) out.... or does that come later? :shock:

We have alot of Kovacs, Supicas, Andresovics, etc. around us.... and between the wives' Povatica, and the husband's wine stashes... a few of us crazy Germans end up drunk, fat, and happy for the holidays.:twisted:

Great looking spread on the table!!