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Now this video is a reality check to anyone that is not in Texas. I have been around a bit up north up off in Kansas, which might as well me the damn North Pole and even up in Canadian Territory in Connecticut. Lots of people THINK their brisket is moist and tender.

See this video... there are so many things wrong with it I cannot even speak on it.... well... I can right about it. LOL

Note how much he has to struggle to slice. No the absence of any juices as he tells us its juicy.

Yes, you can grill then smoke and get a good product.

One more thing: This is Angus beef. Big Farking deal!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Select "crap" I get will blow a screwed up Angus any day of the week.

This guy should be shot, revived, killed, turned into a zombie, boiled peeled, have his skin put back on backwards and sent to a FEMA concentration camp. Or... well, at least we can sew some kinda patch on his chef's smock to let us all know he doesn't know chit.

My slicing with a Dull Pizza Knife.

My Select "crap" I get will blow a screwed up Angus any day of the week.

This guy should be shot, revived, killed, turned into a zombie, boiled peeled, have his skin put back on backwards and sent to a FEMA concentration camp. Or... well, at least we can sew some kinda patch on his chef's smock to let us all know he doesn't know chit.

Donnie, tell us how you really feel but don't hold anything back next time! :shock::lol:
My breath right now smells like something crawled in, died, then came back to life long enough to crawl partially out of my mouth, sh-art, then crawled back in and begin to reenact that scene from 7 where the guy was kept alive while simultaneously decomposing yet without all the pine scented cardboard air freasheners.

Fritos and Coffee.

Now this video is a reality check to anyone that is not in Texas. I have been around a bit up north up off in Kansas, which might as well me the damn North Pole and even up in Canadian Territory in Connecticut. Lots of people THINK their brisket is moist and tender.

See this video... there are so many things wrong with it I cannot even speak on it.... well... I can right about it. LOL

Note how much he has to struggle to slice. No the absence of any juices as he tells us its juicy.

Yes, you can grill then smoke and get a good product.

One more thing: This is Angus beef. Big Farking deal!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Select "crap" I get will blow a screwed up Angus any day of the week.

This guy should be shot, revived, killed, turned into a zombie, boiled peeled, have his skin put back on backwards and sent to a FEMA concentration camp. Or... well, at least we can sew some kinda patch on his chef's smock to let us all know he doesn't know chit.

My slicing with a Dull Pizza Knife.

Heheheeee. Hehee. Speaking from the back porch, and under the honorary FUNKMASTA NORTH tagline..... Check out that knife grip.... That dude has the white knuckle express going for him.
Night and day. Nice production on rour video was really good. It looked like you could have sliced your brisket with a butter knife.
It reminds me of some gasket material we use at work. Maybe next time I have to make up a new gasket ,I will cut it on the bias.
I would have been embarrased to have "stared" in that first video. If the chef (and I use that term very loosley) thought that was tender and juicy... I don't even know what to say!:laugh: