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"yea and mcdonalds mc rib sandwich is awsome ................not"

This type of ignorance but be stopped. ^^^^^^^^^

Mc Ribs ARE BBQ... what do you call that stuff they dump them in?

bbq SAUCE!!!!!

Chicken Nuggets are BBQ only when you ask for the BBQ sauce, by the way.

The person that posted this MC Ribb stuff not being BBQ should be sanctioned heavily.

Actually, try smoking a frozen case of these for the kids. They are quite good... I wonder whats in them?
I think I used your post in the boiling thread

about destroying the world because I can't smoke a flat

You are one crazy farker and have SOME interesting posts, so I will listen. :biggrin:

This came from a time I did a catering job... now when they say there's another 50 people coming can you do more you can always say NO.. but that don't pay, so I said yes and had a guy run to sams and buy all sorts fo frozen ****....

along with the Mc Ribs, we tossed in and smoked bagel pizzas, hot pockets, twice baked potatoes (we heated those with the smoker them cut in half and deep fried them,) bolongna (also smoked and deep fried), lasagne, turnovers, fruits..., threw away some **** that was awful but we expanded our menu within a couple of hours... added some garnish (I know) and people thought it was wild. The Mc Rib thing was a fav of the kids and kept them from grabbing a rib and eating 2 bites and wasting it.

OH... the WHITE Castles were awesome too... smoker was set at 325 as I was crisping up chicken skin if I recall
The only time BBQ should be used as a noun is to describe pork cooked over a low fire for a long time.

You can BBQ beef, goat, chicken, potato chips, peaches, just about anything. But when it is cooked, it is not BBQ, (noun). It is BBQed, (verb), beef, goat, whatever.

Most people make the mistake of misusing this word. It is mostly because they have never seen or eaten real BBQ. It's kind of like calling all facial tissue Kleenex.
The only time BBQ should be used as a noun is to describe pork cooked over a low fire for a long time.

Unless you're not from the Eastern US. Being from Texas, I prefer my BBQ to be beef.

You are using BBQ the same as most people use Sushi or Risotto. It's not a type of food, it's a type of food preparation....
Well I could call my SUV a truck but that would not change the fact that it wasn't a truck. I could call my toilet a dutch oven, but it would still be a toilet. I could stand in the rain and say "It aint raining" but I'd still get wet.

It doesn't matter if one is in the eastern USA or eastern Mongolia. If it aint pork it aint BBQ, it is BBQed _____________ insert anything other than pork here. One would say, "Let's BBQ some brisket." and they would be using the term correctly. When the cook was done, one would say "Let's eat some BBQed beef." and they would be again correctly using the term. If they say, "Let's eat this BBQ." They would not.

It's like most people say they are going to fry something when they actually will be sauteing instead. The terms have been misused so much that most people think they are interchangeable. One person starts misusing a term and pretty soon we have words like shizzle entering our lexicon.
While i don't know if I'll ever become a McRib fan, this is an interesting concept. What is the strangest thing that you have cooked and actually liked, despite it's reputation?

At an Egg event last fall Tyson Foods was one of the sponsors and we were given bags of frozen Tyson hot wings to cook on the Egg. Despite a few falling through the grates, they came out pretty good. We couldn't keep up with the demand from the crowd.
It doesn't matter if one is in the eastern USA or eastern Mongolia. If it aint pork it aint BBQ, it is BBQed _____________ insert anything other than pork here. One would say, "Let's BBQ some brisket." and they would be using the term correctly. When the cook was done, one would say "Let's eat some BBQed beef." and they would be again correctly using the term. If they say, "Let's eat this BBQ." They would not.

Just curious... Where is this rule written ? Surely, pork can,and very often is, referred to as barbecue, but I've never seen it said that any other type of meat off the pit cannot.
What is the strangest thing that you have cooked and actually liked, despite it's reputation?

At an Egg event last fall Tyson Foods was one of the sponsors and we were given bags of frozen Tyson hot wings to cook on the Egg. Despite a few falling through the grates, they came out pretty good. We couldn't keep up with the demand from the crowd.

This would be a great thread that I would like to read. Has this been discussed before?
It's really not about my way or your way. It's just a matter of grammar. I cook stuff all different kinds of ways. But I do not call it BBQ unless it was cooked long and slow over fire.
Main Entry:1bar·be·cue Pronunciation: \ˈbär-bi-ˌkyü\ Function:transitive verb Inflected Form(s):bar·be·cued; bar·be·cu·ingEtymology:2barbecueDate:1690 1 : to roast or broil on a rack or revolving spit over or before a source of heat (as hot coals) 2 : to cook in a highly seasoned vinegar sauce
— bar·be·cu·er noun

From Websters dictionary.

Doesn't say anything at all about tomatoes, mustard, beef, pork or anything else. Just the process. And the vinegar and spices.