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What is a Priority to master FIRST

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  • Poll closed .


I have always wanted to do this, and so I have tweeked the questions to get you to vote on the priorities.

Ever searched "Brisket Questions?" One common theme I see is too many things trying to be mastered at one time.

So in proper scientific form we should logically slow down and master one thing before we master another and likewise, in a given ordered strategy.

Which is More Important to master first; creating a good BBQ to EAT and satisfy the masses FIRST? or to create BBQ that Places Well of WINs amongst a few Judges. Those of you paying close attention know they are two different things. Consider the temptation of many newbies to think, hey I will skip this first step and just try to concentrate on winning.

Comments are encouraged but the VOTE will be all that matters in this series.

From the vote the brethren will establish an "official" consensus sort of.
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Creating a good BBQ to eat definately should be mastered before trying to satisfy a couple of judges. But, in order to do either, one must first master the art of fire control to maintain constant temperatures in the pit. IMHO. That can only come from experience.
While some day I would like to compete I continue to improve my backyard skills to please me and the family. Plus can't afford to trash too many expieriments.
Gettimg the level of meat moisture and tenderness (to your own liking) is key to great Q. Doesn't matter what meat you are cooking if you can get those down.
Then you can start tweaking to taste.

Learning to cook Que that pleases YOU should be first. Family and Friends (& customers) second. Judges are third.

Gotta develop the passion and love.
Creating a good BBQ to eat definately should be mastered before trying to satisfy a couple of judges. But, in order to do either, one must first master the art of fire control to maintain constant temperatures in the pit. IMHO. That can only come from experience.

Neil, believe me its coming up soon... LOL
Very limited competition experience....however, everything I cook is judged by six (wife, kids and myself). If the in-house critics aren't happy the cook's not happy! :wink:
I have to go with pleasing my family and guests who attend my que's. I would feel much worse if I made bad bar-b-que for a family member or friend than I would if a faceless judge gave me poor scores.

But, then again, I haven't competed in anything more than a friendly competition, so I haven't got into the different mindset required to cook competition que.
For me, I can't answer the poll since I want to do both. I cook at home for me and the family and I cook at competitions to win. Others will be in the same boat, plus we have plenty of members who don't compete and are only concerned in cooking for themselves and family and another set of members who only cook for competitions because they are tired of BBQ and eat something else at home. This is why we have Q-talk and Competition sections of the forum.
For me, I can't answer the poll since I want to do both. I cook at home for me and the family and I cook at competitions to win. Others will be in the same boat, plus we have plenty of members who don't compete and are only concerned in cooking for themselves and family and another set of members who only cook for competitions because they are tired of BBQ and eat something else at home. This is why we have Q-talk and Competition sections of the forum.

If you exhibit any of the qualities that Ron Prescribes, you will find, it is not possible to actually vote for two. LOL

I am certainly okay with anyone not participating in this poll. Just, if you can, in much the same way we (not even I) do not make commentary in various threads about why we are not commenting, please vote and comment maybe about why.

To RON personally, so we don't get this mixed up, I think he states an EXCELLENT paradox that maybe I should have added in the poll (I can't vote for one because I do both) VERY good comment so I am glad he made it. It is food for thought, but this poll is to get a sort of pecking order. I got an email instance that read

"I already have tender brisket so I can't vote for that" is not the point. What do you master FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who do you cook for FIRST!!!!!!!!

I think anyone who say TO WIN is like the guy who says I already he has a tender brisket. Somewhere along the line, I am willing to bet, your cooking BBQ skills were honed for a group and not competition.

I am surprised with those that chose "Taste" over Texture so I am glad we are doing this poll. I would never have thought that would be the case. This is great food for thought.
I guess I voted wrong now that I think about it. I voted for the judges option. I think that it is alot easier to master cooking for the masses. Just look at this forum. How many times have you seen a post that askes. I am cooking for 200 and I just can't seem to get my flavor right? But there are a ton of questions from cooks that want to know how to win contests. I bring in leftovers to work with me. Doesn't matter if I had a top ten call or finished DAL, they love it. Even as big and as popular as this sport we love has become, there are still alot of people out there that do not know what great BBQ is.

Big Mike
One more comment for those that are in the same condition as Ron (which is a legitimate one) and here's why and how you SHOULD vote.

Okay, so you want to do both. Trying to balance cooking for the judges and the masses is a noble and difficult task.

BUT... if you were teaching a newbie, you WOULD have to settle on one style FIRST, you may teach both, but you would HAVE to teach something first and along the way mention caveats like "now this will win at a tournament but in the back yard its not worth the trouble."

Should a guy that wants to master as quickly as possible the task of desilverskinning 40 racks of ribs? Should they inject 40 butts?

Conversely, should a guy that wants to start his VERY FIRST BRISKET TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE ARK ROYAL by injecting and foiling and what not?

Now yes those are two different people but tell me.... who is gonna waste more brisket? The Guy that can already make a tender, moist, and tasty brisket in his backyard already or the guy reaching for the stars?
good eats man... i dont care what number a judge would give me. my friends and family are the most important judges i know!