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somebody shut me the fark up.
May 10, 2006
Overland Fark, KS
Our new category is...

[size=+2]"Cast Iron!"[/size]

Photo from Camping Gear Stop blog. chosen by The BBQ QB, the winner of the Shish-Kebab Throwdown!

This shouldn't be too complicated, so let's not try to make it complicated. You are to make a dish using cast iron cookware. Please note that nowhere in the rules does it say you have to use a SPECIFIC kind of cooker..thus a cat iron dish on a grill, in a smoker, or even over an open fire should count. You could grill with cast iron grids, you could put a cast iron dish in the smoker to absorb smoky goodness, or you could throw grilled/smoked foods into a cast iron dish and put it in the microwave for all I care so long as it features grilled/smoked foods.

Now that you all know what to do. Shut up and do it. All questions will be ignored. You are on your own with the guidance given. Make some killer dishes because this one will be up to the voters to decide. Actually, they always decide, but in case you are thinking about asking a question, the answer will be...

The voters will decide!

Here is the simple and unchanging list of rules for the BBQ Brethren Throwdown...

1. The dish must be Grilled or Smoked during the cooking process, or feature Grilled or Smoked ingredients in a prominent manner.
2. Entries must be cooked during the current throwdown period ( 3/26 - 4/4 ).
3. All pics (any number) must be submitted by Midnight Central Time on the night of 4/4.
4. Only one picture from one dish will be used for voting, so please specify which one you want used, otherwise I will choose and my decision will be final.
5. If you have any problems with any of the entries, believing them not to be qualified for any reason, please use the ***VOTE*** thread and exercise your power of voting against those entries. Any complaints posted in any Throwdown thread, or directed to me via any other means will be ignored.
6. By posting your photos, you are granting consent for your photo to be reused for other BBQ Brethren Throwdown related postings or materials.
7. Any joke photos, or photos of past creations you wish to show off must have a disclaimer stating that the photo is not intended to be included in the Vote thread.
8. Only the image from the original post by the person entering the dish will be used in the Vote thread. Any further postings of the same photo by the same person, or by others will not be used.

The voting will begin Monday 4/5 after I submit the "Vote" thread and will run through Friday 4/9. All votes will be public.

Don't forget, you can still enter the Appetizers Throwdown until Sunday night 3/28 by midnight Central time.

Our next category will be decided by the winner of the Fowl Throwdown!

Best of luck and even better eats to all!
Disclaimer:in no way, shape or form is Mr. Bigabyte suggesting that you actually put cast iron cookware in your microwave because, of cource that would be dangerous and just plain stupid.:doh:
Garyclaw said:
Disclaimer:in no way, shape or form is Mr. Bigabyte suggesting that you actually put cast iron cookware in your microwave because, of cource that would be dangerous and just plain stupid.:doh:

Party pooper!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I might have to break out the fatty kolaches again....won't win but at least I'll get my hungry taken care of.



....and no I'm not cooking in flip flops. I photoshopped that in there to look like a rebel.
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Hmmm, still cool enough here to cook by the fire. Got a ziplock full of pulled pork, some Hatch green chile in the deep freeze, taters, onions, garlic, cilantro plant in the back yard needs a good trimming and the fresh chives in the front need to some trimming too.............then maybe use some of the yellow japs form last year's garden that are in the freeze too.................Hmmmmm, what the heck could I possible come up with? Bwaaahhhhahahhhhahhaa!
I can't resist an opportunity to get the DO going!


Course the Lodge Sportsman grill hasn't seen any action in a LONG time and those CI grates on it make for some killer freaking burgers...........Decisions, decisions!

Here's some Fluffer pron.........Not entry pics.

Lodge Sportsman
or the DO

Help a Brother decide.......
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Can we also include anyone who cooks on a material similar to cast iron? :icon_blush:
The voters will decide!:wink:
...Hmmmmm, what the heck could I possible come up with?
I am hoping you will decide actually...but I am obligated to state that the voters will decide!:wink:
Disclaimer:in no way, shape or form is Mr. Bigabyte suggesting that you actually put cast iron cookware in your microwave because, of cource that would be dangerous and just plain stupid.:doh:
Can't we just let the voters decide on that too?
It's ON!!! The first volley comes out of Holland!! Looking fantastic Niek!! What's in the taters? They look very hearty.

I'd hit that.

Thanks Bob!

It's a Grilled Potato Salad out of the Big Bob Gibsons BBQ book.

They where grilled on the Q along with some sweet union and seasoning and have a dressing of mayonaise, dijon mustard and worcestershire sauce.