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Smoke Dawg

Quintessential Chatty Farker

Batch Image
Batch Image
Jun 22, 2013
Name or Nickame
Every year I try to clean out the freezer of all the Salmon and be ready for the spring season. This year I caught a tulley late in the year and I knew I would only use it for smoking.

I mised a bunch of pictures as we smoked Turkeys and Jerky the day before and was kind of busy - and enjoying adult beverages!

Here is my rack all brined, rinsed, and getting ready to put into the smoke House. Did this as a sweet batch so it will have brown sugar and course Black pepper applied before the smoke

View attachment 104671

Most of the fish was not grade A but a few pieces were pretty good

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The Smoke House is loaded and ready to fire up. Top Rack is mine and the rest is for a friend that liked the idea of cleaning out his freezer and saving fish from the dreded freezer burn!

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Light it up! - I got a little carried away and had to pull some wood back at first but then it settled in nicely

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Smokin away

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About half way!

View attachment 104676

I forgot to take pictures of it still on the rack when finished but here is a few just before headed to the Vacuum packer

Buddy's fish - He wanted his a little drier

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My fish

View attachment 104678

Freezer is ready for Salmon Season and we got Smoked Fish for snacking through the winter!
Thanks For Lookin
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Ummm... Don't you have to put that smoked fish back in the freezer? If so, how does it save you any room? I'd just say eat it up...

Either way, great pics! I'll take a pouch or six!
Thanks All - It does not all make it to the freezer, It is just an option so we can have some available throughout the year. The plan would be to run out just before the next batch!

I just took a bunch to the kids this week so its about half gone already

I start out smoking at 125° - 150° for a couple hours then ramp up about 25° every 90-120 minutes until in the 225° range.

I just cook by feel and taste with Salmon. If there is a range of sizes, I try to keep them grouped by size on the rack so I can pull the smaller ones and leave the larger ones in longer

Add some cream cheese and this stuff makes a great salmon dip!