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is Blowin Smoke!
Jan 17, 2006
Chillicothe, Ohio
I made these today and they are THE BOMB!!!:biggrin::biggrin:

Family said they were great and I didn't have any left over to bring home!:-D

I used rib tips and the bbq sauce,wooster sauce and rub were all stuff that I have made myself. They looked a bit thick when I was going to put them in the oven so I added a cup of fresh pressed apple cider from my buddies orchard.

(this was the last batch of apples from last fall that they had in the cooler.:sad:The next gallon I buy will be frozen stuff they pressed a couple of months ago.:cry:)

Thanks Keri!!:biggrin::biggrin:
here, here! i second that! what a recipe! :biggrin:

i love you keri! :icon_blush:
I already PMed Keri to thank her for the recipe and that was before I had even cooked the beans. I knew after I had them in the pot they were going to be outstanding.... but .... I wasn't even close... They are FARKING AWESOME!!!

I did mine in the UDS for about 2 1/2 hours. People were going back for seconds and thirds!!! There was marinated beef tenderloin, tequila lime shrimp, and huge sea scallops with a jerk rub all done on the grill to perfection and they got passed over for the beans!!!

Thanks again Keri!!!
Sorry if thisis a stupid question, but what is the recipe? Sounds like something I should try.
Oh my... I think that's the first time I've ever heard someone tell somebody else to google me! :mrgreen:

I'm glad you guys like the beans, but please remember that I wasn't the first one to put fruit pie filling in the bean pot. I don't know who first tried that, other than Jack's Old South down in Alabama (they used peach pie filling in theirs). The first one to try it had to be brave to do it, but I'm sure glad they did!

Keri C


Upon edit, since ya'll named this thread "Keri's Hog Apple Beans", I suppose it would be appropriate to actually put the recipe here.

Keri's Hog-Apple Baked Beans

3 or 4 slices bacon, diced
2 (27 oz) cans Bush's Baked Beans
1/2 c. Blues Hog BBQ Sauce (or other sweet-spicy favorite)
1 lb. smoked leftover smoked pork or beef, more or less, or 1 lb crumbled cooked pork sausage (a maple fattie is good)
1 can apple pie filling, pieces somewhat chopped up
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 green pepper, chopped
1/2 c. brown sugar
2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
2 Tbsp. Mustard (prepared)
1 tsp chipotle or cayenne powder (optional, to taste*)
1 tsp Blues Hog barbecue rub (or your favorite de jour)

Brown bacon, and saute onion and green pepper in bacon grease. Mix in remaining ingredients. Bake at 325º for 1 hour, or simmer on stovetop in large pot for 30 minutes if you don't have time to do them in the oven. Serves 12.

This recipe began life as APPLE PIE BAKED BEANS from somewhere on the web, but I think I've made enough changes to it now to claim it as my own.
This is my standard for baked beans anymore. Jack's Old South does something similar to this, but I understand that they use peach pie filling instead.

*This is a rather spicy recipe due to the chipotle/cayenne powder. Feel free to leave it out if you'll be feeding those who prefer a less spicy taste.

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time
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Oh my... I think that's the first time I've ever heard someone tell somebody else to google me! :mrgreen:

I'm glad you guys like the beans, but please remember that I wasn't the first one to put fruit pie filling in the bean pot. I don't know who first tried that, other than Jack's Old South down in Alabama (they used peach pie filling in theirs). The first one to try it had to be brave to do it, but I'm sure glad they did!

Keri C

It's not so much the fruit pie filling that does it for me. I love the several layers of complexity of the taste. First impression is sweet. Then you find that there are several different flavors associated with the sweet taste. Just then the heat starts to assert itself and you realize there is some kick to them. Then you are on to another bite, and bam, you get the sweet again just as you realize there is some smoke in the pork bits. That is when it really hits you how good they are.

Those apples are just little gifts that surprise you with how well they go with the taste of beans. :mrgreen:
Oh my... I think that's the first time I've ever heard someone tell somebody else to google me! :mrgreen:

I'm glad you guys like the beans, but please remember that I wasn't the first one to put fruit pie filling in the bean pot. I don't know who first tried that, other than Jack's Old South down in Alabama (they used peach pie filling in theirs). The first one to try it had to be brave to do it, but I'm sure glad they did!

Keri C


I'm cooking for 60 at the Theater Barn for Rotary on 7/11, our sponsors.. I have 2 #10 cans 171 oz. of the Bush's Original and 4 21 oz. cans of apple pie filling ... going to give your recipe a try... Plus 2 packer beef briskets and 4 butts ... a tray of slaw... wish me luck... I'll give you feed back on the beans...

Yours in BBQ,

Sounds great, Keri! Thanks for sharing. I think I'll make some this weekend.
2 (27 oz) cans Bush's Baked Beans

Are these like Heinz style Baked Beans or are then a can of mixed beans (ala pintos etc etc) in a sauce. Wouldn't Baked Beans break up into mush if you cooked then for an hour?
2 (27 oz) cans Bush's Baked Beans

Are these like Heinz style Baked Beans or are then a can of mixed beans (ala pintos etc etc) in a sauce. Wouldn't Baked Beans break up into mush if you cooked then for an hour?

yes, they are like the Heinz style of baked beans (in some sort of light tomato, I think, sauce)

No, they don't seem to break down.

I've done the Doctored Bush Beans from the recipe section a number of times, smoke heating for 3 hours and their was no noticeable break down
Seriously, if you haven't made them before, MAKE THESE BEANS!

You won't be disappointed.

And thanks, Keri!
I am going to make these for a party of approx 60. I am going to prep them home then bring them over to the party(about a 45 min drive) Should i cook them completely at home then reheat when i get there?(its at a firehouse anf they have a full kitchen) Should i partially cook and then finish off when i get there? If i cook them right before i leave will they be hot enough after a 45 min car ride?
I cook them and put in cooler with meat all the time. I have reheated on a gasser in foil pan and also put in crock pot. I don't feel you loose anything by reheating.
I'd cook them as close to time to go as possible. That way, they'll only need minimal re-heating. Norco's right, though: nothing is lost by reheating, it's just a little bit more hassle when you get there.