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is one Smokin' Farker
Sep 22, 2004
North Sentinel Island
Name or Nickame
Any experience with these products? I'm going to order some FAB B. Wondering if the chicken and pork versions are worth getting too.
Try a search, concentrating on the Competition forum. I know more than one member has used it. Opinions are somewhat mixed.
Jim Minion has weighed in on the FAB B and why it is so great.

I use the FAB B and P and really like them both.

Other folks don't like either.
Matter of opinion of course :lol:

Tried FAB C. Was not impressed and can not remember why for sure.
I think it was not a "natural chickie taste", but "Yucky" to me for some reason.
"Jar" is still sitting there with only one batch missing--ya want it?
PM me an address and it is yours :lol:

I've used B and P and both work as advertised. I mixed them with water and injected but will be trying them with apple juice and such.
i used Fab B. Fab P went down the drain when i accidently left the injected butts out overnight. :oops:

IMO Yuck.

Very potent/enhanced beefy flavor. Too much so for me. Similar to fresh kill beef I had down in Texas. Guess us northerners ar used to the bland stuff from Okiehoma.