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So based on what I saw from the Mother's day beef ribs by the folks in the Bay Area, I had to give it a go. The back ribs available around here are pretty pitiful so I had the local mom-n-pop butcher cut me a couple racks of short ribs.

Here is what I was working with:


Seasoned with lots of black pepper and a garlic pepper blend - overall not unlike montreal steak - with big chunks of dehydrated garlic. On the the UDS (with clay dish) at 250 using hickory and cherry.

After about 3.5 hours


Removed about an hour later and let rest in the ubiquitous foil pan tightly wrapped for about another hour.


Served with some simple roasted potatoes with onions and bacon.


Came out really good. Very juicy and not tough at all. Being short ribs there was considerable large internal fat deposits to contend with but was pretty easy to exise. This is something I think I will have to do again (wife REALLY liked them).

Looks great! Wish I could get some decent ones like that around here.
THAT looks great!!!
They have those at RD for $2.24/lb!!! Last time I tried beef ribs I had to go with the pitiful ones you mentioned from Sam's....the beef back ribs.

Those look very tasty!! Nce work man!!!!:thumb:
Outstanding! :thumb:

I find if you take Short Ribs to an IT of 200ish, it melts off most the fat and all your left with is melt in your mouth beefy goodness!
Show your UDS:shocked:

This is my UDS, there are many like it, but this one is mine...

Major differences between mine and a "typical" UDS are: I have a BGE slide vent for the intake and I used a spare flywheel type for the exhaust that was left over from the chargriller. Not pictured is the grate just above the charcoal basket with the clay pot base -- just foiled, no water.

Nice looking ribs. I am a West coaster that did them for mother's day and yours look pretty darn good. I cooked mine a little longer to render more of the fat out of the meat. Beef ribs rock!!
Nice looking ribs. I am a West coaster that did them for mother's day and yours look pretty darn good. I cooked mine a little longer to render more of the fat out of the meat. Beef ribs rock!!

I know... its all your fault that I HAD to make these :-D

Next time I will probably let them go a little longer. The fat that required the workaround was the large deposits nearest the bone -- all the meat on the top was awesome between the bones was so-so.